
Sunday 23 November 2014

Pretty things!

I received some truly lovely post last week!

I'd completely forgotten that I'd won a wee giveaway over on my friend Teje's blog! She makes the most beautiful jewellery and sea-glass art, and is a very talented quilter too!

Beautiful bracelet from Teje!

This is a made to measure bracelet, I've worn it every day since it arrived!!  There was also a bookmark calendar of Greece where Teje lives, but I forgot to take a picture of it, sorry!

Thank you Teje so much for such a lovely giveaway!

Another little pretty I picked up last week was this knob!!


I have a thing about knobs!!  (those of you already formulating a rude comment, please resist the urge!)

I've nowhere in mind for it, but when I've enough collected up I might make a display board of them all!

There has been some sewing this weekend!

Kindle Fire Cover

This is a kindle fire case for my daughter's friend, and I've also been working on some other pouches too, but I can't show you those yet!

I've a few birthday gifts to make for December, and what with 'secret santa' makes also being added to the list now, I'd better get a shimmy on!!

Jude xo 


  1. Lots lots of pretties! The kindle fire case is great.

  2. Lots of lovely pretty things, i especially love the blue glass bracelet

  3. Now which of us would you be thinking are the 'rude comment's people? Lovely bracelet and nice pouch. Still not sure about a board full of knobs though! (Sorry, could not resist.)

  4. I like the idea of a board of knobs of all shapes and sizes. You could use it to hang / store necklaces. (Imagining susan and hadley quietly exploding at not getting to be rude....)

  5. I have no idea about who you think would be rude *ahem*, but I have a bit of a knob obsession too, shh, don't tell anyone!


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