
Tuesday 25 November 2014

A 'Pinny' Kind of Day!

Today was all about pin cushions!

Pin cushions

I've been wanting to try out the Cathedral Windows pin cushion for a long time, ever since I started seeing them around blogland!  I used this tutorial.

Cathedral Windows Pin-cushions

Just like regular Cathedral Windows, they are fiddly to make, but I really like the colourful finish! And it's a great way to use up spare 2.5" squares!

Next was the snowball pin cushion!

Snowball pin cushion

This was a kit (available from Quilter's Quest), and again fiddly to make.  But I think the end results are so worth it!  Aren't the ear-muffs so cute!!

Not sure I would want to stick pins in Mr Snowman's head, but I'll leave that up to the recipient of this one!!

Jude xo


  1. off to check out the tutorial now for the Cathedral window ones

  2. They are awesome, love the snowball

  3. I'm a fan of the cathedral window and love your pincushions - thanks for the link. Your snowman pincushion is so cute and unique!

  4. Loving the snowman - not sure I could stick a pin in him either!

  5. All very cute, but yeah, not sure I could stick the snowman with pins!


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