
Friday 11 July 2014

Table Runners!

A while a go I made this table runner, using a Christmas charm pack!

Christmas Table Runner Class sample

This Pinwheel version is for a Saturday workshop I'm running next month.  But I always like to give my ladies some creative alternatives, so I made this one too!

Economy Stars Table Runner
Approx. 19" x 47"
I'm calling it 'Economy Stars'!  I had some '30's Playtime' fabrics leftover from a recent quilt, and I love the freshness they give to my dining table.

Economy Stars Table Runner

Small quilting projects always lend themselves to some fun, experimental quilting!

Economy Stars Table Runner

I'll be publishing the pattern for this table runner after the workshop.

I still have some spaces available, so if you fancy dressing your table, topping your sideboard or getting a head start on Christmas projects, then drop me a line!

Jude xo

Table Runner Workshop - Saturday 2nd August, 10am - 4pm


  1. sweet! love the quilting especially!

  2. I really could do with a table runner but it is something I never think of making. I also have one or two charm packs lying around that I could use, so maybe it will be a sometime soon project. x

  3. Very pretty, we have both been working on Christmas stuff it seems, are we mad?

  4. Oooo, that quilting is so beautiful x

  5. like both of them x would be hard to choose which one to do xx Shame you live too far away for me to join in x

  6. Both are very pretty. I am sure that the class will love making them too. Di x

  7. Both are very pretty. I am sure that your class will love making theirs. Di x

  8. Pretty variations. The quilting on economy stars is really lovely. Shouldbe a fun workshop.

  9. both versions very nice, will look forward to getting the pattern.

  10. They are lovely and the quilting on them is fab. I need some table runners for my kitchen table, might take some inspiration from you!

  11. Absolutely lovely! Enjoying your Majorca post as well ;) How exotic. XX

  12. Absolutely gorgeous quilting, love it!

  13. The quilting on the 30s runner is fabulous!!!


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