
Wednesday 16 July 2014

Autumn/Winter Programme!

The new programme of 'In Stitches' sewing & quilting classes is out now!

This programme covers the semester September to December '14, and I'm excited to have a return of some guest tutors, bringing their talents and diversity.

It's always a big event in the Hollies' household when I publish the next semester of classes!  I've recently likened it to giving birth, except the labour lasts for weeks and weeks!

Now that the programme is finally out and registrations are coming in, I'm feeling much lighter!!

I hope you enjoy reading through the variety of classes on offer.  If you fancy signing up for one of them, or a summer class, just drop me an email.

Jude xo


  1. you are too far away!! I do hope you get LOTS of takers xx

  2. If only I lived near you....sigh...xx

  3. That stocking quilt is genius!!! I am sure you will be a bust bee all season xxx

  4. Hope you have a fabulous term!

  5. envious of you girls over in the Emerald Isle being able to attend these classes, will have to make do with seeing what you all make on the blog

  6. There are so many great classes on your list, I wish I lived closer!


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