
Saturday 17 May 2014

Sugar Rush!

Progress continues steadily at Bee Blessed.

Here is the first of 2 Pippi/heart quilt tops (the other one not quite sewn together yet!).

Pippi/Heart Quilt 1 - Bee Blessed

Isn't it adorable!

We also recently received a wonderful donation of quilts and quilt tops from our Long Arm Friend!
Bee Blessed donated quilts

These will be going to a family in Zimbabwe who have so far adopted 13 children (under the age of 7 years!).

Bee Blessed Yummies! May14

And another wonderful donation were these amazing cupcakes, received from a lady who had recently received a BB quilt for her elderly parents. Boy did we enjoy tucking into all these goodies!!

Sorry to all our BB contributors who can't be with us in person to enjoy these goodies! Take it from us - they were delicious!!

And one more sweet thing to share with you today!

Shannon has rebranded her blog and you can find her here. I'd love it if you would take a peek at what she's been making recently!

Have a great weekend,

Jude xo


  1. Hi Judith! I love that pippi quilt! I need to make this, too! x Teje

  2. This i9s such a fun design. I haven't tried paper piecing yet, too scary.

  3. The Pippi quilt is looking fab

  4. Pippi is fab, still dancing away. You lot deserved those cakes. Glad you enjoyed them.

  5. Newest follower sent your way from Josie at Sew for Soul!

    Love your awesome blog.

    Happy highways,

  6. Holy. Cow. 13 children under the age of 7? They need reinforcements to go with those quilts.
    I have blocks for you heading into the post this afternoon. I'm nervous they're too late. Eeek!

  7. blocks have made up baeutifully, what an amazing family to adopt so many children and give them a loving home

  8. Wow - the Pippi quilt is going to make a little girl somewhere very very happy, and what an amazing donation of quilts!

  9. Such a happy quilt, I'm sure it will give someone lots of joy and will be loved lots.

  10. the pippi quilt is tremendous. my blocks for this and last month will be with you soon (when I finish them!). love the cupcakes, making me hungry and I m trying only to eat fruit!

  11. The Pippi quilt is gorgeous!
    P.S. Thirteen children under seven? Blimey!!

  12. So excited!! Think I can spy two of my blocks!! They finally made the size grade! Hooray! Unless of course, you took pity on me, finally, and lopped a bit off everyone else's???? Oh well...I think the quilt looks FABULOUS in spite of potentially suffering from Shrinking Block Syndrome. xx


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