
Wednesday 21 May 2014

Best Kind Of Mail!

Well in the complete absence of the sunny stuff this week, some lovely mail has been bringing a smile to my face instead!

From Fluffy Sheep

I took advantage of Cindy's 15% off weekend and bagged me some lovelies for my stash. I'm hoping some of these will come in useful for the next round of our Brit Bee Medallion.

Then yesterday I got a surprise package from a lovely new bloggy friend called Josie.  I had recently sent Josie some Irish linen offcuts and I got these lovelies in return!

Gifts from Josie

If you know me, you know I LOVE free motion sketching, and Josie does the most amazing things with free motion applique.  Take a look at this adorable needlecase!

Needlecase from Josie

Go and check out Josie's blog and drool over her amazingly cute makes!

Fingers crossed the sun will shine today!

Jude xo


  1. Gorgeous fabrics! Cindy's fabrics have been tempting me all week!

  2. Josie sent you some lovely stuff, the stripes will make a great binding fabric. Off to look at her blog as the sewing machine looks fab.

  3. As soon as I saw your title I knew it must involve fabric. You really did get a lovely gift, the needle book is amazing, am popping over now to visit her blog. x

  4. don't you just LOVE this sort of post bag xx

  5. Just catching up, but yay happy mail, love your and Shannon's recent makes, and great idea with the room rearrangement :o)

  6. had a look at your friend's blog, she has some lovely work.
    The needle case is gorgeous

  7. you have some lovely fabrics here to add to your stash

  8. Ooh fabulous! Jodie's stitching is amazing!

  9. It was my pleasure to stitch a little gift for such a kind 'bloggy friend' x

  10. Don't you just love the tell-tale 'flump' of a parcel of fabric landing on the doormat?!!


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