
Sunday 2 March 2014

Pippi's Back!

Well I'm back home from my whistle stop hop across the Irish Sea and back!

I will have pictures to show for it tomorrow, but in the meantime, it is MARCH! Which means a new block of the month for Bee Blessed.

Pippi Longstocking Block for Bee Blessed Feb14

Yes, Pippi Longstocking is making a return visit.  I designed this block 2 years ago and Bee Blessed members and contributors did a sterling job making Pippi and Wonky House blocks.  This quilt was gifted to a teenage girl struggling with M.E.

Bee Blessed Pippi Longstocking Quilt June12

Sarah had the genius idea of alternating February's heart blocks with Pippi blocks, which I think will make one beautiful and special quilt.

I know some of you are a bit nervous about this block and having a go at improv piecing!  But all I would say is, have a go anyway and see what happens!  Nothing ventured, nothing gained!  Grasp the Nettle!  Carpe Diem!  etc. etc. !

You can find Sarah's instructions here and the link to the tutorial is here.  Thank you for getting your big girl pants on and having a go at Pippi!

Jude xo


  1. I will put Pippi on my to do list, I had fun making her last time.

  2. Give poor Pippi some eyes! Please. So lovely to see you. Glad you had such a quick trip home.

  3. Bwahaha, I can see Hadley twitching from here ;o)

  4. today I aim to have a go but whether |I will achieve is another matter!

  5. Great block - loved her last time around! Glad it went to a girl with ME as we have a bit of something like that in this corner and it really sucks!

  6. What a cute block and it will be perfect with hearts :)

  7. I think Pippi was my first or second block for Bee Blessed. Shall I have another go?!

  8. I'm really looking forward to this one. Didn't know about Bee Blessed first time round.

  9. Aw, Pippi gets an encore, a testament to her greatness!


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