
Monday 3 March 2014

Bees Being Busy!

The purpose of my recent jaunt over to Kent was 2 fold.

1. To have as much fun as I could fit into 24 hours with my Brit Bee buddies

Brit Bee Shindig Mar14
Bottom left: Terri & I fighting over Laura Jane's (Brit Bee Mama) new book
Brit Bee Shindig Mar14
The customary 'Show and Tell'
2. To make a start on some very special Brit Bee baby quilts.

Brit Bee Shindig Mar14

We all took home some ticker tape blocks to finish off.  I was on green duty!

Brit Bee Shindig Mar14

Mission accomplished I'd say!  You can read more about our antics here.

Can't wait for the next get together girls!! Sewing and laughter really is the best therapy!

Jude xo


  1. how fun that you got to get together with your bee mates. Seems like you guys had tons of fun. Love your blocks, too. Very pretty.

  2. how good to have time with such a worthwhile sewing group and fun too. The blocks look quite complicated but having mastered your pippa longstocking yesterday for swr blessed I am feeling more confident.

  3. Nice photos Jude - looks like fun!

  4. That sounds/looks like such a wonderful time. I love seeing photos of your days together :)

  5. Looks like you all had a wonderful time!

  6. Well done missus, I got mine done yesterday, must remember to take a pic! Was lovely to see you :o)

  7. It was such a wonderful weekend, and so good you made it over.

  8. looks a blast. hoping to get pippi to you soon, along with the February hearts

  9. Have loved looking at your quilts here - so bright and cheerful. And I love what you write down there on the right about recycling fabrics into quilts - lovely! xCathy

  10. Oh my gosh! Perfect blocks! I LOVE our Beehive times, was a beehive of activity that day!xxx

  11. I'd be fighting to take home the baby with beautiful blue eyes! Is that Erin Billy Buttons daughter? Again, so lucky you are to all be able to meet up. Is travel cheap within the UK?


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