
Thursday 9 January 2014

Spot the Imposter!

There's been a little more secret sewing in my sewing room this week, as well as another round of Brit Bee Medallion Mystery!

Jo's Brit Bee Medallion jan14 002
Jo's medallion
I've been a snotty mess this week, though feeling much better now.  But it has meant a few sleepless nights, so I thought I'd put them to good use. 

Journal Cover

I got this journal cover made for my daughter's friend's birthday at 2am this morning.

And I got my tax return submitted at 1.30am earlier in the week!

I also did a few more stages of this class sample, at stupid o'clock this week!

Overs and Unders in Happy Go Lucky

This is the Overs and Unders pattern by Kim Brackett.  I made one for my mum's 70th last November. She likes it so much I couldn't ask it back off her again, so I decided to make another one using a Happy Go Lucky Jelly Roll.

Now the jury is still out regarding my choice of fabrics and background fabric (Kona Ash). I get a bit fed up using white all the time (even though it lends itself really well to the modern fabrics currently on the market), but I'm not sure I've got enough contrast here. 

It is a bright sunny day today, so the colours are more saturated in reality than you see here.  But I'm hoping when I get the borders on and get it quilted it might grow on me more.

And the imposter?  I slipped in 2 jelly roll strips that aren't Happy Go Lucky! Can you spot them?



  1. You're such an over-achiever! I consider it an enormous achievement just being able to keep up with this round of the Brit Bee :-)

  2. Are you still not feeling well? Goodness, get better soon!
    I am in LOVE with your overs and unders class sample. It looks simply delicious.

  3. I hope you're completely recovered soon and start sleeping through the night (sorry, that makes you sound like a baby!) but I love what you can make in the wee small hours - anything I did would be a bloody (literally!) mess! I love your new class sample and I think I may have spotted the imposters: blue and orange backgrounds with some sort of animal (deer?) on them. Am I right?! Do I get points?!!

  4. I am kind of happy that you have made the best use of your sleepless nights, but hope you get a good night's kip soon xxx

  5. I like the grey because it fades into the background and makes the other blocks stand out x .. of course IF you wanted the opposite resut then... oops x

  6. Looks fabulous! Sorry to hear your still snotty, hope it clears do on, hate sleepless nights at the best of times, nothing worse! Keep on keeping on! Xxx

  7. Oh de(a)r! Hope snot dries up soon (ugh!). I think the contrast with overs and unders is better than you think, though now I think you need to call it the "Stupid o'clock quilt" - much more fun name! Though I imagine not so much fun when you are the one up at said stupid of the clock! xx

  8. I hope that you feel better soon. Snot fun being under the weather. I think that your quilt is beautiful and I like the grey background. Di x

  9. That's a beautiful quilt. Get well soon.

  10. Sorry for your lack of sleep but you haven't half used the time well. Hope you are back to fighting fit now.

  11. I think it's gorgeous (the quilt top not the snotty mess!), I have no idea about that line but it looks great. x

  12. Hope you are feeling better Jude - you really are using your time well even at stupid o'clock, but you can put your feet up with a cuppa once in a while!

  13. This blanket scares me just looking at it haha!! I like the grey, looks modern without being too "girly" or something!

  14. Glad you're feeling better, I still have my tax return to do :( :( :(

    Is one of the impostors that light blue fabric, looks like it may have white deer on it?

  15. Sending healthy hugs your way x

  16. I really like the kona ash. I think it gives the quilt a little bit more texture than plain white. Hope you feel better soon!

  17. I think the Kona Ash is fine. Not everything needs to pop till your eyes hurt! and this is beautiful and vibrant without being too 'in your face' Lovely, J, and I do hope you feel better quickly!

  18. I'm sure the borders will finish it off nicely! As for the taxes, I have that to do later today *sigh*

  19. I can spot one definite imposter, but not sure about the other. I tried quilting one night I couldn't sleep. I slipped with the rotary cutter and nearly got my finger. Imagine having to explain that to the emergency room! So I haven't tried it since.


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