
Saturday 11 January 2014

2 Legged Friends!

Meet Rusty!

Scottie Dog 001

I so loved working with the tweed and wool scraps before Christmas, that I wanted to have another wee 'play'!

The Scottie dog is based on this pattern, which I've made before here.  But this time I used 3" squares (in the gusset too) because tweed and wool has a tendency to fray (understatement of the year!).

Scottie Dog 002 (2)

As I decorated him and saw his character come to life, I thought to myself how rustic he looked, and so the name Rusty came about.

And never content to just stick with the pattern, I decided to make a few variations, or 'friends' for Rusty!

Using 1.5" cut squares of linen (I don't make things easy for myself!!) I came up with this wee guy!

Scottie Dog samples

Let's call him Toto!

Scottie Dog Samples

And using 2.5" cut squares, Petal was born, made using Amy Butler Soul Blossom jelly roll ends! 

Scottie Dog samples

The family is complete!

Scottie Dog samples

These will all be class samples (even though Rusty looks right at home in my lounge!). The trickiest part of making them is putting in the gusset.  But I'm hatching a plan for folks who might want an easier option.

And I spent the day today with several more 2 legged friends!

PJs workshop jan13

My PJs workshop was a lot of fun today!  And see that cute model on the left?  Anna is only 12, and she made her own PJs today!  What a star!

Well done ladies!  I hope you all sleep snuggly tonight in your beautiful new pjs!


Scottie Dog Saturday Workshop: 5th April 2014, 10am - 4pm


  1. Hi Judith! I love your NEW doggie family! They look so cute and Real! All the Materials are beautiful! Have a lovely Sunday! x Teje

  2. At least these dogs can't eat your other cushions! Lovely samples. Pjs look great too. Way to go Anna!

  3. Your family of dogs will be very economical as they won't need food or walks! The PJ class looks very successful. Di x

  4. Brilliant pjs just the things for this cold weather

  5. They are just to cute! So many gorgeous PJ! They all had sweet dreams tonight

  6. Love Rusty. Those off cuts of wool and tweed are awesome used this way. Love the other two as well but Rusty is my favourite. Hope you get a lot of sign ups for the class.

  7. I'm really not a dog lover, but I can't help loving Rusty! So, so cute and great scrappy project.

  8. Rusty and his family are super cute. The PJ's class looks to have been very sucessful, well done x

  9. I was googling this pattern before I got out of bed this morning!!! I have a mental block on the 'gusset corners', please share your skills! xxx

  10. Awwww, so cute! Love all three doggies!

  11. Love 'em! I made one of these last summer for my Mum but now I'm feeling a burning desire to make a Toto - so cute! And yep, the gusset wasn't my favourite bit!!!

  12. adorable!!! Love how you made them all in different sizes.

  13. Really fun! rusty is adorable but I also like the really simple Toto.

  14. I love the dogs too. I made a few (a pack?) a couple of years ago and weighted the legs and body with small bags of sand wrapped in wadding. It was a bit fiddly but has stood the test of time and they make really great doorstops.

  15. Cute dogs! I want to make a buddy for my scottie from the same pattern, but I suspect he would just end up being pinched by my children.

  16. Love the doggies - I first came across this pattern when one of my ladies was making one from a really old magazine, from the 70s I think it was. I made one with 3" squares but am loving the puppy version.

  17. I have always loved these dogs made from squares. You could make some other things too, maybe a giraffe? Or a pony? The class will be great fun.


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