
Thursday 19 September 2013

Bottom Pinchers!

Sorry about the title!

I have a pair of silicon oven grippers (you know the ones that just cover your fingers, for lifting things out of the oven?). Well they also make wonderful bottom pinchers! 

So when it came to making the heart oven mitts for my Gifts class (November) I had to work hard at not seeing them as something else!

Oven mitts Class samples

I first saw a picture of these here, but with no tutorial available I set to designing my own pattern.  It took 3 attempts before I got it just right (that would be the turquoise one!).

These can be made with deco weight or quilters' cotton, but have heat resistant wadding inside the body and finger sections.

Oven Mitts class samples

My 5 week Gifts course starting in November is called 'One in One', which means you can get one project made per evening.

These oven mitts are super quick to make!  I'll tell you about the other gifts another day!

I hope the ladies who have signed up for the course know what they're in for!!



  1. I love those cute.!! You certainly got me smiling with the title.
    Have a great day.....Marie x

  2. I love them! They look gorgeous and perfect. I am so sad living far away ....

  3. *makes mental note not to visit Jude's kitchen* The oven mitts are fab though :oD

  4. Hahaha you're so funny! They are super cute!

  5. "Bottom Pinchers" - too funny! Your 'one in one' course sounds wonderful and I look forward to seeing all the lovely creations. Your heart potholders are adorable.

  6. I'm often pinching Z's bottom especially when he's walking up the stairs in front of me :) Perhaps I need to make a dinosaur pair of Jude's bottom pinchers ;)

  7. Blimey if I'm ever in your kitchen I'm not bending over ;-) They look fab - a really great make and with Christmas coming up a lovely pressie too!

  8. Is there a supplementary charge at the class for having one's bottom pinched? Crikey imagine (or don't) the kind of google searches for your classes now - there could be weirder folks than me signing up! These are very cute!

  9. these are fantastic. I so have to whip up a few of these for my kitchen. Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. Fan Bloomin tastic! I tell ya, you're genius! They are gorgeous!

  11. Oh they look great Jude! What a brilliant class project!

  12. Wish I was able so sign up for this class, maybe in the new year. Unfortunately I live in a bungalow, does that mean I can't pinch bottoms? The class looks like a lot of fun.

  13. Great idea for a class in the fall, folks will have a bunch of gifts made in no time. The oven pinchers are very cute.

  14. Is this the class with no places left? Or is this a separate one? X

  15. Wow, this will be a great course. If only I lived nearer...

  16. OMG - LOVE! I'm moving to Belfast solely for your classes.....


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