
Thursday 1 August 2013

When Life Gives you Lemons ....

..... get sewing!!!

Well my July will definitely be one to remember, sadly for all the wrong reasons!  A seismic shift in personal circumstances means I haven't had as much time to sew, for work or for pleasure!

However, a highlight in an otherwise dark month was getting to spend a fabulous quilty weekend with lots of lovely bloggy peeps at the Fat Quarterly Weekend in London!


Because of July being such an eventful month, I'm sorry to say, for the first time in my Bee history, I am late doing a block!!!  Sorry Jennie, I will get to it soon!

July13 Roundup

I have managed some sewing this month, but I've sneaked a few extra blocks into this months' mosaic, which weren't actually made in July, but were revealed in July (& it makes my mosaic look a lot less pathetic!!)

I hope to chat soon about some of the new makes in my mosaic, and also bring you up to date with some Bee Blessed progress. 

In the meantime, check out Sarah's Bee Blessed wonky cross update - they look brilliant!

Apologies to my regular bloggy friends if I'm not leaving comments as often as I usually do.  I'm trying to keep up with all your wonderful makes and reading posts, but I've lots more plates to keep spinning now, so one may drop from time to time.  (I never was a good multi-tasker!!)

Linking up with Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day.



  1. Anything I can do to help keep the plates in the air let me know. Including any angel blocks or anything like that. Just shout because you know I am here.

  2. All understood- sending thoughts, and virtual hugs. xx

  3. Big hugs. I know what it's like to have life take you over. Concentrate on what you need to and you know where I am in you need anything x

  4. The importance of good friends can never be undersetimated when times get tough, a sad month indeed, but from personal experience some of the worst personal things lead to some of the most fabulous things :o)

  5. The important thing to remember is to look after you and yours, and if other things have to drop because of it, then so be it xx

  6. You got a lot done all things considered! Hugs to you xx

  7. I am so pleased you came over for the weekend, it was great to see you, and you know the score - all for one, and one for all xxx

  8. I haven't been able to do much blog reading lately so only seeing now that things have been tough. I hope you are ok xxx As always your finishes are lovely

  9. Love ya Babe! You are amazing - never forget that!!

  10. Glad we could help you make lemonade for a while, it was lovely to see you again :o)

  11. so sorry to hear about this being such a hard month. Hope the things get a lot better soon. All your makes look beautiful.

  12. I think you are awesome, look at all that sewing despite of it all. Keep laughing and if I can help from far far away, just let me know what you need.

  13. You have got so much completed. Thinking of you! Marie x

  14. Seismic shift sounds like a good description! Can't believe how much you've managed to achieve in the face of it all, and coming to Retreat as well. You are one v amazing woman. As always, i'm here if there's anything I can do, big or small.

  15. Oh Jude I hope all is ok! I have been thinking about u! X

  16. see that top left photo? squish me in the middle please. x

  17. Hi Judith! You have so many great projects there even you have been so busy. I can handle only few plates at the time so I admire you. We know that you are there even doesn't here from you all the time. Don't forget to rest!
    Hugs! Teje

  18. Honey, so sorry things are tough at the moment. Do what you need to do, but try and squeeze some sewing time in if you can, purely for how therapeutic it can be. Look after yourself, it's really important and if I can do anything to help let me know x

  19. Sending you oodles of love.
    Another one here with a genuine offer of plate spinning help.
    Or, maybe I could make the lemonade if you prefer.

  20. Hope things improve soon, if you need a chat and a cuppa, give me a call!x

  21. Judith, have been constantly thinking bout you and the girls.. sending a big hug...if you need help with anything please ask x

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Sorry it's been such a tough month, Judith! Thinking of you xx

  24. You're the best plate spinner I know but if you want one taking off your hands then please ask. I won't be able to spin it (I'm not known for my co-ordination!) but I can put it down on a flat surface and give it plenty of attention. I know there's a limited amount I can do from far away but if there is anything, please shout. I love what you've made this month and you and the girls are always in my thoughts xx

  25. You're AWESOME and don't you forget it. Xxx

  26. You are an amazing woman and I have heaps of respect and admiration for you Jude! You and the girls have my thoughts and prayers! And I know you will get there!


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