
Sunday 28 July 2013

LPs to Pixels!

Anyone remember LPs and Singles?

If you do, I'm sure you don't remember them looking like this:

Manipulating old records

This is what my daughter does in her spare time!!

I'm steadily ploughing through my stack of basted quilts all needing quilted. 

Today, I'm showing you Pixelated Heart:

Pixelated Heart Quilt 002
Approx. 68" x 68"
I will be teaching this quilt pattern in September.  It is satisfyingly easy, and you can have great fun experimenting with the values of the background and heart sections, as well as how to quilt it.

Pixelated Heart Quilt 006

I went for condensed wavy lines.  I really like the finished look of this quilting, but be warned - you need to have your quilt really well basted & flat (otherwise you will get fabric drag) and you need to have lots of patience and muscle (quilting in 20+ degree heat not recommended)!  Ask me how I know these things!!!

Pixelated Heart Quilt 005

I backed the quilt using another vintage sheet, leftovers from the same one I used to upcycle the drawers in my sewing room.

Pixelated Heart Quilt 003

So that's another tick off my list!

Now which one shall I do next?

Pixelated Heart Quilt Class (6 weeks): Starting Thursday 5th September


  1. Love your daughter's creativity!

  2. Awesome quilt and the quilting looks as if it gives real texture to the quilt. Di x

  3. Your vintage sheet is gorgeous! Not like the manky old ones I find in charity shops!! Glad to see that wavy lines look good on the pixellated hearts, 'cos guess what way I shall be quilting mine?

    Is the LP thingy a cake stand for a retro afternoon tea?

  4. Hi Judith.......those LPs are amazing! How clever!!! I love the quilt, quilting and the backing is just beautiful. Some very cute fabrics in that mix. Marie x

  5. Love it! Seriously I love everything about it - the pixilation (have I just made a word up?), the fabric choices, the low volume background, everything. Please don't be surprised if you see something very similar pop up somewhere (although it could be a while - I have a wish list a mile long! )

  6. What on earth is she doing to the records? I have shelves of them in my living room and even a turntable to play them. I love the heart, I really want to make one too. I must put it on my list, that list is getting very long again.

  7. Another great teaching project!

  8. It turned out lovely! I also like the new use for records, although I feel a bit nostalgic about them. Teener memories!

  9. Judith, this heart quilt is amazing! As you can guess I love the colours and the pattern is beautiful! Your daughter is very creative, what a great idea to use lp:s! x Teje

  10. Love the LP's not sure I could bring myself to do that to them though!
    Beautiful quilt too, I'm slowly collecting some LV fabrics - maybe this could be a use for them!

  11. This quilt is a stunner, I think your class will be booked up in no time x

  12. Hey Jude!
    Sorry couldn't resist that one!!
    This was a real trip down memory lane(or perhaps it just dates me!!!)In the 50's (yes I'm really that old!)my mother used to put old 78's in the oven to 'warp' them then use them as plant pots complete with drainage hole! I love that your daughter is doing something similar with more recent LP's and singles. Don't think I could do that to my extensive collection or 'hoard as my DH prefers to call it - too many memories.I loved your Heart quilt and good luck with the class.
    Been following you for a while keep up the good work.
    Monkey Business and Quilts

  13. Such a pretty quilt! Ar the LPs going to be added to the etsy shop?

  14. love the pixelated heart!

  15. Love the quilt, and a very novel use for LP's, I vaguely remember them! ;o)

  16. What a creative young lady your daughter is. The perfect use for a Jimmy young LP!I wish I could say I vaguely remember them but if I did I'm afraid it would only be because it was such a long time ago I couldn't remember clearly!! Lovely quilt too Jude. :-) Xxx

  17. Eep, what a cute quilt! Love the backing fabric too. And your daughters records look cool -my sister loves doing that to make little dishes for all her knick knacks.

  18. Adore the quilt, and I would love to think I knew where that record collection came from!

  19. Very pretty recycling, is she currently destroying your childhood? ;o)

    Love that quilt, it looks so snuggly!

  20. That quilt will be fantastic one to learn in class. As for the records I hope they weren't your favourites as they'll never play on a turntable now. :-) But they do look fab!

  21. Wow! That quilt's a stunner!!

  22. Love your Version of the pixelated heart. I had to do my Version of it in very small ;-)


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