
Thursday 23 May 2013

Mocha Made It.....

..... into my Brit Bee Giant Star wallhanging!

Brit Bee '13 Linen Star Wallhanging 005
Approx. 64" x 64"
Apart from this needing a jolly good iron, I'm really pleased with out it has turned out!

Thank you everyone for your brilliant feedback and suggestions!  In the end I had to go with what I had available, and as you can get a truer sense of the colours here, I'm hoping the non-mocha voters will be swayed!

Brit Bee '13 Linen Star Wallhanging 007

And today I got sewing with some Marmalade yummies ...

Half Hexie Table Runner (in progress)

... and a bandana for my neck ..... because it is almost summer ...... which means it is freezing!!!!!!

Bandana 001

Well I'm heading off tomorrow for a weekend of bloggy shenanigans!!  No doubt there will be incriminating evidence for you to look at online before I get home Sunday!!

Have a good one!


  1. Love your cute bandana and the mocha looks great in your quilt top. Have a fun weekend away!

  2. Haha! Just make sure you don't do anything I wouldn't - lots of scope there!

  3. Forgot to say how much I love the star - working on one of my own now!

  4. You are soo organised! Love your star the mocha totally makes it!

  5. Incriminating evidence? Us? Never...

  6. Ha! You're hilarious! A summer bandana :) Loving mocha in there as it creates a great contrast. Have fun this weekend ;)

  7. Quilt top looks fab but much more excited to be part of the bloggy shenanigans!

  8. Hi Judith! I love your bandana and the button-heart! The quilt top is ablolutely gorgeus! Great colours! Have fun weekend! x Teje

  9. Mocha, marmalade - feel like I'm having breakfast here! ;) Love the mocha and the bandana is cute!

  10. Loving the start and the marmalade. And you'll need more than a bandana over here it's freeeezzzzzin!

  11. It looks fantastic! Hope you have a fabulous weekend

  12. love all the works!! enjoy your weekend x

  13. It's a gorgeous quilt/hanging! Have a wonderful time at Susan's!

    P.S. *bangs head on table* Just read Nicky's comment - she's started another project!

  14. Hey...
    You're asleep in the bed next to me and you're snoring!!! Too much Baileys my friend!! We've had an AWESOME day! :-) xxx


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