
Sunday 26 May 2013

Home Again!

I am home again after an awesome weekend away with some of my best bloggy buds!

Bloggers Shindig May'13 033
L-R: Susan/Emily, Terri, LJ, Hadley, Katy, Trudi, Me, Di
Susan has already written the perfect summary of our day here!

It is such a joy and privilege for me to have the opportunity to meet up with these dearest quilty friends!

We laughed, ate, almost cried, stroked lots of fabric and quilts & ate some more!  Here are some of my favourite pics from Saturday (there are more to view here).

Blogger's Shindig may13
Check out Hadley & LJ's faces in pic no. 4!!!  That's a caption competition waiting to happen!
Sadly a few of our number weren't able to make it on the day!  But you were all very much in our thoughts!

A huge thank you to Susan for being the perfect hostess, and Terri for driving me half way around England & putting up with my snoring (so sorry my friend!).


  1. That was a quick trip - glad you had a lovely time (and the sun shone) xx

  2. was a fab time. Such a great bunch of women and lots of laughter. Glad that you are home safe and sound. Di x

  3. Glad you got home okay, but after that photo, you totally deserve the one I stole of you for tomorrow ;o)

  4. Looks like the best group of pals ever :)

  5. Guys, it looks like you had a wonderful time! I'm so happy for you.

  6. It was lovely to meet you Jude, Susan always says such lovely things about you, and she was spot on about how nice you are- she's very clever like that, but don;t tell her I said so! :o)

  7. Laughing about Ange's comment above. So good to see you my friend, and to have the bonus Friday evening no matter the traffic delay. So pleased the sun shone and you could enjoy the weekend to the max.

  8. What an absolutely brilliant weekend we had! I was the luckiest by far spending all those extra hours in the car with you. Those last couple were a wee stressed, but we made it, phew! Nah, you didn't even snore, but I had to write something in the middle of the night! :) xx

  9. You are so lucky to have the possible to meet! What a great day

  10. oh, that sounds like such an amazing time. How totally wonderful!!!!

  11. I will get an unflattering photo of you (somehow!); payback is sweet!


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