
Sunday 17 February 2013


Details of my Valentine's Day Heather Ross giveaway are here.

Bee Blessed met on Saturday, and just look at our cutest new member!

Trying to match some AMH with her cosy coat!
And we were spoiled rotten with some AMAZING home baking - buttermilk scones with jam, cream and fresh strawberries AND lemon and blueberry cake with cream cheese frosting!!!!!!  I so wish I'd taken a photo for you to drool over!  They were divine!  Thank you ladies!

We did actually do some sewing too! 

My uber talented friend, Sarah, and I are working on a man quilt.  This young man broke his back skiing just before Christmas, and is fighting his way back from paralysis in his legs.  He is the son of one of our Bee Blessed members and a determined young man.  So Sarah had the brilliant idea to make him a quilt with inspirational words on it!  If you click here, you will see some quality pieced words that Sarah has already made.

And here is my lowly contribution:

Bee Blessed Man Quilt Feb13
Ahhhh! Check out that blue sky!
We chose the words carefully and meaningfully as they are significant to this young man's journey of recovery.

And here is another group of ladies & their makes who I hope I have inspired, and who in turn have most definitely inspired me!

Applique Class Feb13

Applique Class Feb13

These are the amazing cushions my 2nd applique class made.  Aren't they fab!!  I love how different they all are!  Well done ladies for tackling some tricky satin stitch and sketchy manoeuvres!

And see that beautiful teacups cushion up there?  Well, if you hop on over here, you can see more pics of this and other beautiful makes by this talented young lady!!

If you fancy having a go at these cushions yourself, the pattern is available in my Etsy shop.

Hope you are having a great weekend!



  1. aw so cute! Sounds like you have had fun! Hope the man quilt helps and he gets back on his feet soon.

  2. Hmmm so hungry...
    Baby cute :-)
    Ladies done good ;-)

  3. I love the tea cups, off to check them out!

  4. Fabulous cushions and very cute baby. Someone I went to 6th form with had the very same accident - very tough. Wishing him a successful recovery

  5. Everything look so beautiful Judith! Great idea for a quilt to make special words! I love all the cushions! Have a lovely week! x Teje

  6. Cute baby! And what a great idea for the quilt. It is going to be a great finish when all the words are together.

  7. Sounds like a great weekend - well done. x

  8. I was going to say that the newest member didn't seem too alert, but that's probably a good thing as she couldn't nick any of the goodies then ;o)

  9. In my current kidnapping vain, our newest member was lucky to have been returned to her beautiful mother! I could definitely smuggle her out in my sewing bag - soooooo gorgeous!

    Your words are anything but lowly, they're bold and fab and will look brill altogether with the others. Thanks for working with me on these!

    Those applique cushions are superb - your class clearly had loads of creative juices flowing!

    1. Lol! She's mine, all mine, though you could potentially borrow her for a midnight feed some time! ;)

  10. All looks like so much fun, and the wordy quilt is going to be wonderful xxx

  11. This post really resonates with me Jude as my brother is still recuperating from paralysis in one leg following a back problem last year. Lovely words and wishing the young man a speedy recovery. Love your new member and I 'need' some of those cakes!

  12. Cute baby! The man quilt is going to be terrific and I can't wait to see it!

  13. The man quilt will look amazing. And thanks for showing my cushion and linking to my blog :)


  14. Hey I'd fit right in with bee blessed sewing if I was allowed a nap like your newest member :-) Was touched by the story of the young man. Best wishes to him for a speedy recovery - Faith and determination are huge in aiding this. It will be a fab man quilt. And I'm loving those cushions!

  15. Cute little one! She looks so happy there with her bit of fabric. I love what your class made! How great are they!?!?

  16. So great to see you all in Saturday! Little G's already looking forward to the next one!


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