
Tuesday 19 February 2013

Teddies & Giants!

Details of my Valentine's Day Heather Ross giveaway are here.

Yesterday, I managed a little sewing, despite the kids being off this week for half term.

Broken Wheel Block Feb13

This block is called BrokenWheel and it is the next installment in my block party class on Thursday nights.

I've also been working on a little EPP (English Paper Piecing):

EPP Feb13

A few leftover charm squares and 1" and 1.25" Sizzix dies meant I could whip up these hexies in an hour or two in front of the telly!  Hexies always remind me of our most famous landmark here in N.I. - The Giant's Causeway!

And the cute teddy row markers my daughter made me for Christmas are coming in handy too!  Not quite sure what these hexies will eventually morph into, but it will be a sample for my upcoming EPP class.

Well, we still have wonderful blue skies here in N.I. for about the 6th day running!  I hope you are enjoying the first signs of spring, wherever you are!



  1. Hi Jude, Just dropped in to see what your up to. I am liking the hexies. Got a soft spot for them. The broken wheel looks good to no made one of them yet.
    Today we had a heavy frost when We got up now it's just grey and really cold. yesterday was lovely but not any more. Cya Judith x

  2. Ooh love that block. Do you have a tute?

  3. Giants causeway has been on my go and see list for about 30 years day I will make it!

  4. Send that blue sky down here, please :)

    Love that block...esp in orange and blue. What a great choice for your class :)

  5. With the frost and ice I'm not sure it's an early spring, but I am liking the blue skies, I even snuck out at lunchtime today and got some photies! Love your row markers, I use mine all the time!

  6. All looking gorgeous - and I suspect our 'Spring' will revert to Winter again soon enough ;(

  7. You've done more hexies in 2 hrs than I have in 2 months.
    Looking forward to learning more about E.P.P.

  8. I've done a whole heap of hexies recently and have no idea what I want them to be eithee

  9. I love your block party block - so colourful! Gorgeous hexies and teddies!

  10. Ooh, I think I'm going to have to get a sizzix!


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