
Monday 4 February 2013

Foundation Piecing

This is one of the first patchwork techniques I learnt, and it has remained one of my favourites!

I'm so excited to be teaching it next term, and am having fun making up some class samples!

First up, a Circle of Geese cushion, sewn in Mustard and Eggplant Irish Linen!

Circle of Geese Cushion in Linen Feb13

Circle of Geese Cushion in Linen Feb13

Next, a smaller sample, showing that foundation piecing can be used in little projects too!

Foundation Pieced Scottie Dog Pouch Feb13

This zippy pouch is 8.5" square, making the Scottie Dog only 4" square!  Isn't he cute! He's from the book 'A Quilter's Ark' by Margaret Rolfe.  I used soft brushed cottons and linen to make the pouch.

Foundation Pieced Scottie Dog Pouch Feb13

There are of course many ways to use this technique, in quilts, cushions, runners, handbags etc.

Egs of Foundation Piecing

And I've still to turn Spring Bloom into something!  Another cushion perhaps?  It is 18" square at the moment, but I'm open to suggestions!

Foundation piecing sample


  1. I love that foundation piecing was one of the first patchwork techniques that you learnt. ARE YOU MAD?! I am only just getting to grips with it after a whole host of other techniques learned. It has to be the most maddening and yet satisfying piecing method ever for me.

  2. These are beautiful. Alas, I am foundation piecing-challenged but do so admire the lovely projects made that way. :)

  3. That beautiful block would make a wonderful centre medallion for a medallion quilt and of course a wonderful pillow too. Your circle of geese pillow is just stunning, so sophisticated and beautiful.

  4. Love, love , love your flying geese cushion. It looks as if your class are in for a treat next term. Any chance of a Skype lesson? Lol! Di x

  5. Love all of these. Thanks to Sheila and the mystery quilt I discovered paper piecing and love doing it

  6. It was one of the first (machine) techniques I learnt, too! I love your FP mosaic and samples - wow! I can't wait to see what your students make!

  7. Fabulous samples J, esp that cute wee Scottie dog. I adore foundation piecing - really must carve out some time for more practice (that, and a million other things!)

  8. I am still horrified by the geese but I love paper piecing! Everything comes together so nicely! Gorgeous cushion!

  9. Love, love the cushion. It looks very complicated. Hope I can manage to get on the course with the house move etc.

  10. Love the Scottie! How cute is that little guy?

    Um, how about a miniquilt to hang on your wall? Love that star and it would brighten any space.

  11. Great collection, and I especially love the wee dug too!

  12. Thank you Judith! This was so inspiring post! I haven't tried yet foundation piecing but now I think I need to make a little Scottie! All your projects are really beautiful - what a wonderful pillow (suitcases are super) and who wouldn't love little bird houses! Have a great week! x Teje

  13. Wow!! Love the cushion that mustard is amazing and the little doggie is so cute. I have tried FP once and got all confused and stuff. I would love to come to one of your classes for lessons on this :((((( I have a huge petted lip right now because I can't!!!!

  14. I also love FP, it opens up so many possibilities, the mustard & eggplant sounds good enough to eat and is just gorgeous.

  15. I really like your top line of three in your collage Judith - beautiful!


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