
Tuesday 5 February 2013

Ferry Floor Finished!

I may have started this quilt a while ago, but I'm pleased to say it is finally finished! (You can read about the inspiration behind this quilt here.)

Ferry Floor Feb13

This is another class sample - I will be teaching this layer cake pattern next term.  Nothing like a looming deadline to increase one's productivity!

Ferry Floor Feb13

I went with wonky organic straight line quilting, 2" apart - no chalking on of lines - just guesstimating the distances and going with the flow!

Ferry Floor Feb13

I'm rubbish at recording quilt deets!  For all you eager stat-types out there, I used a Flora (Lauren & Jessi Yung) Layer Cake but I can't remember the name of the fabric I used on the back or the binding!  The solid strips are Kona Everglade (I think!).  It finishes at approx. 57" x 57".

Still a few more class samples to make so I'd better get cracking!

Hope you are having a great Tuesday!


  1. I had forgotten this quilt but it has turned out really well. I like the organic quilting too. Di x

  2. Oh, that is so lovely I have a certain Ruby that would look nice made up.!!!!
    Looking forward to Spring classes.

  3. It's wonderful - going to be a great class!

  4. So very, very beautiful. Love this one totally!

  5. Lovely - well done, you are super productive! Love organic over wonky any day!

  6. Gorgeous and great layer cake pattern - are you going to be selling the pattern?

  7. This is so lovely! I like the straight lines :)

  8. Great way to use up a layer cake

  9. Your samples are all so amazing - do you have a HUGE waiting list?!!

  10. Well, you are on a roll! Fabulous quilt

  11. Wow J it looks fabulous all finished up. Well, done you! There must be lots of steam coming from the sewing room this week! There are some beautiful fabrics in that layer cake.

  12. This looks amazing! I love the interplay of the squares. And super colours. Yummy!

  13. Really striking quilt Judith.
    Whatever would we do if we weren't making samples??

  14. Quite a beautiful and bold quilt. I like the design, the thin stripe of solid provides a nice balance.

  15. Looks great. I love the pattern. Man those blocks are huge! Must go together very quickly? My kinda quilt top.

  16. I LOVE IT! The teal is just spectacular with these prints. Gorgeous pattern too. Yet another class I'd love to take with you :)

  17. It's great and this will be a great class I'm sure!

  18. Oooo I like the solids on this one... fab quilt. You are cooking on gas this week!! x

  19. It's perfect for a layer cake and a great finish!

  20. Gorgeous quilt, love that backing fabric, it coordinates so well!


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