
Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Beginnings!

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” Albert Einstein

Happy new year everyone!

I hope that you remember 2012 with fondness and enter 2013 with excitement and hope for the year ahead.

Each new day we are given is a gift.  I hope you are enjoying the new gift you have been given today!  Find the positives for they are there waiting to be discovered!

Dec12 Roundup
Here are my makes for December! Another bonkers-mad mosaic! 
What a great month, and indeed a great year! 


  1. Beautiful mosaic and vise thoughts, Judith! I'm happy to follow you to the new creative year! x Teje

  2. Great mosaic and loving that bottom right hand corner cushion!

  3. Love the mosaic! So many fantastic projects from 2012!

  4. Great mosaic, I love the christmas quilt :-) Wishing you a wonderful 2013 x

  5. Fab collection as usual :o)

    Happy new year!

  6. Wow that is a big mosaic full of great makes. 2013 is going to be a good one - I love new beginnings. Di x

  7. Everything loves so bright and colourful.

  8. Ooh, what lovely makes! I especially love the cushion in the bottom right! :)

  9. Hopped over here from Lily's Fresh Sewing Day. I like the pillow on the bottom row. It has a nice fresh modern look.

  10. Oh you are so wise this year already!

  11. So much colour in your lovely projects!

  12. fab mosaic and great quote! Happy New Year lovely! x

  13. Happy New year Mrs! I did a double take at that iPad cover in the middle and had to scroll backwards to see if it was indeed made with something vintage that I recognise, and it was! You're a creative genius :) x


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