
Thursday 3 January 2013

Making Life Difficult for Myself!

My return to work on Wednesday has involved many hours on this laptop, doing stuff nowhere near as fun as blogging!

But I've worked hard and thought I'd reward myself with some fun sewing!

sewing machine cover Jan13

I'm making a sewing machine cover for 'Hector' (my daughter's sewing machine) and it's all been going swimmingly, despite the nightmare 'custom measuring to fit' maths!

That is, until I had the bright idea of inserting an elasticated pocket on the side to store the foot pedal.

sewing machine cover 001 

Who would have thought this unassuming little piece of (***** insert your choice of word here!) elastic could cause so much trouble!

In my defence, I had spent 5.5 hours writing a new course I start teaching next week (with lots of maths!), I was tired and it was late!

But I think I've cracked it and just as soon as I get the rest of it finished, I'll give you the full reveal.

Off now to rest my puny brain!!


  1. 5.5hrs of maths - no wonder your brain was frazzled. I hope that the class goes well. Di x

  2. Love the colours. I am not looking forward to going back to work on Monday, the last two weeks have been so chilled!

  3. Oh no, don't rack the elastic, that'll make it even worse... ;o) (Yes, I felt that kick coming down the line thank you!)

    Good luck with tomorrow's battle!

  4. ha ha, it's always the little things that can cause a meltdown, but seriously those mixture of colourful squares work a treat. Hector will be please ;)

  5. Is it bad that I laughed because you swore? It is the simplest things are the ones that usually do us in.

  6. BEAutiful scrappy squares though... it will be worth it in the end!

  7. It must have been bad to make you swear! Did it make you feel better though?

  8. Work is always a shock after the hols - never mind with 5 and some hours of maths! Although my boss isn't in today, we have no work so I'm ironing Chookie's t-shirts in my lab!

  9. Sounds like your brain needs to put its feet up and have a cup of tea! Hope the elastic is better behaved today!

  10. You need chocolate and a stiff drink!

  11. LOL! Did one of my swears sneak in with the charms?! Hope you have better luck today :-)

  12. Love Hector's new costume (so far). Clearly you were not impressed with stretchy issues, but I have faith that you will regain a position of superiority next time.

  13. Hetor is a very lucky sewing machine. All that maths will be worth it next week when you start teaching us again. You may take a relaxant, because let me tell you if maths is involved, you will need it teaching me. LOL.

  14. Hetor is a very lucky sewing machine. All that maths will be worth it next week when y superslot


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