
Tuesday 29 January 2013

It Finally Got Me!

It's a very long time since I've had a cold, and I've been fighting one for the past couple of weeks.

But today, IT won!  Everything from the neck up is firey, snotty & muffled!

So as the boss of the company (!!) I'm giving myself my first sick day!  I can still curl up on the sofa with my laptop though, which means catching up on wonderful admin (groan!).

One little ray of sunshine that came my way was my return bundle of Vintage Fat Quarters, from the UK & Ireland Vintage Sheets FQ Swap:

Vintage Sheets FQ Swap Jan13

I love all of these!!!  Especially the brown ones!  I know, I know, some of you have just swallowed your tonsils in horror!  (mine feel like golf balls today so no chance of swallowing them!) But I love vintage brown and would love to make a quilt in these nostalgic tones one day!

A big thank you goes to Mary for organising this swap and being such an efficient Mama!

And because I'm in the mood to delay doing any work at all today, I'll leave you with some pics from our recently refurbed bathroom (not a straightforward refurb at all, but I do love the end results!).

New Bathroom Dec12

New Bathroom Dec12
Just realised I should have put the toilet seat down before photographing!! LOL!! At least it was clean!!
It was so lovely to have a long soak in the bath with a good book, after 6 years of not having one! Bliss!

And after our Roman Blind Workshop on Saturday, I'm thinking that bare window needs a bit of dressing!

Have a great day!


  1. Six years without a bath! - I'm not sure I would have survived! Glad you like your FQ's let me know if you want more brown in the future I think I may have a whole sheet! Hope you feel better soon (a soak in the bath might help)

  2. Your bathroom looks great! Have fun admiring your vintage FQs and get well soon xx

  3. Your bathroom looks fab! Loving the wooden heart thingamajig. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Get well soon. I went over a year without getting a cold. Was hoping I was immune. Glad you have such a nice boss ;-) Your bathroom looks fab and can't wait to see what you do with the vintage sheets!

  5. Judith, I hope you get well soon! Rest under a quilt and make plans what to sew with those beautiful fabrics! Your bathroom looks wonderful - red and white are so cheerful together! Great photo-text! Hugs! x Teje

  6. Lovely bathroom - corner toilet eh? Very swish x

  7. Wow lovely bathroom!! Well worth the wait. Def a Roman blind needed ;-) sorry to hear your not feeling the best-get a rest & get better soon x

  8. Hope your cold is a short one - sorry to hear you're under the weather my friend. I love the refurb, so fresh and clean and of course I adore the red!

  9. Big hugs to you Jude! Have a nice hot bath and enjoy!

  10. Oh no! Hope you feel better soon!!! Love your FQs... just got mine, too, and they're fab!!

  11. Oh, feel better soon! I have no idea how I'd ever use a brown FQ, but I SO look forward to seeing what you do with yours. I love your taste in makes, so you'll stretch my mind a bit. Yippee!

  12. Ugh, feel better soon!

    Not sure about that hook on the back of the door though, might you not sink in the bath? ;o)

  13. So sorry to hear you've finally got the lurgy :-( Buuuuut, WOOHOO! Finished bathroom looks great, you must be so pleased with it!

  14. Hope you feel better soon Judith, but enjoy the rest while you can - away and have another soak!

  15. Oh I do hope you beat those germs into submission. Lovely looking bathroom and fab vintage sheets.

  16. I have come down with the lurgy too, for the umpteenth time this winter! It's pity I can't stay home but HR at work are getting tough on sickness absences :(
    Love the refurbed bathroom.

  17. Hope you feel better quickly. Love those vintage fabrics

  18. Can't wait to see what you do with the sheets. Pleased you liked the brown!

  19. Your bathroom looks amazing! You know I feel your pain when it comes to full refurbs of the smallest room! Take it easy, now, I'm sure the boss will be understanding. *g*

  20. I hope you get better quickly, my last cold stuck around for far far too long. I think your bathroom is lovely and the sheets are so retro.

  21. Oh I've just gone down with a cold too - well a sore throat really. Hope you are feeling much better soon - look after yourself. I love your bathroom makeover :-)

  22. Lol about the toilet seat!! I wouldn't have even thought about it if you hadn't mentioned it! Lovely refurb very swish indeed! Hope you feel better soon, we seem to be avoiding it so far but I am sure it won't be long till I need plenty of tissues and a quilt to curl up with! xx


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