
Thursday 24 January 2013

Baby Bear Paw Quilt

I've been working on my class samples for next term's programme.

One of them is a baby quilt based around the traditional Bear's Paw block.

Baby Bear Paw (Savannah Bop)

I put 4 Bear's Paw blocks together to make one large block, and then 4 of these giant blocks make up the baby quilt:

Baby Bear Paw (Savannah Bop)

At the moment it is coming out at 49" x 49", but I'm debating whether to put a skinny border on it.

I've used the Savannah Bop fqs I won at FQ Retreat last year.  I think the wee animals on the prints are so cute!

Baby Bear Paw (Savannah Bop)

I got this quilt top made in the equivalent of 1 day, thanks mainly to the wonderful Sizzix 4.5" hst die!

Baby Bear Paw

It's sooooooo wonderful not to have to spend hours trimming hsts!!

And if folks don't want to make a Baby Bear Paw quilt, they can upsize to a Mama Bear Paw!

Mama Bear paw

So now I need to make up my mind about a border and get it basted, quilted and bound before moving on to the next class sample!

Have a great Thursday!


  1. Ooo gorgeous - you should enter it into the Your Andover contest...looks like a winner to me!

  2. Ah.. you got the HST die then? lol Great blocks, should go down a treat with a new class :-)

  3. Oh it is really gorgeous and I am sure that your class will like making it. Di x

  4. It looks fantastic! Great colors and cute animals for a baby quilt

  5. So bright and sweet! I am in love with those little rhinos on the fabric. I think the skinny border would finish it off really nicely (would you rather I hadn't said that?), and I especially love the secondary design created in the white when the blocks join. Great class project!

  6. Looks gorgeous. Love those rhinos!

  7. Another Sizzix HST lover - fantastic quilt!!

  8. Oh wow I love this and I so wish now I'd asked for a sizzex for Christmas or my birthday!

  9. Aww, love the mama and baby bear paws!

  10. It is great fun, I hope you skipped the borders and left it as it is. What a fun class it will be.

  11. Ooh gorgeous - I love quilts made up of giant blocks!!

  12. Baby bear paw is gorgeous, perfect size. I really want a sissex as I love HSTs but hate trimming them.


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