
Sunday 2 December 2012

Fill Yer Boots!

This coming Saturday I'm teaching a kids' Christmas Stocking Workshop.

These are the stocking designs they can choose from:

Mini Stockings:

Christmas Stocking Workshop Dec12

Decorative & Scrappy Stockings:

Christmas Stocking Workshop Dec12

Or they can 'go large' and make a Wellie Boot sized stocking which Santa can really get stuck in to!!

Christmas Stocking Workshop Dec12

So all in all, I think we are going to have lots of stocking fun on Saturday!

Kids Christmas Stocking Workshop Dec12

I still have a few places left, so if you are local to Belfast and have a protege you would love to spend a day being creative with, drop me an email.


  1. Hmmm... I wonder how many of them will go for the wellie boot size stocking!! Looks like it'll be loads of fun!

  2. Sounds like a great Saturday to me

  3. Hi Judith! I'm happy to meet you and your wonderful blog! Your stockings are beautiful and I love the blue boot in new style! Have a great December! x Teje

  4. Oh I could have done with that class earlier today! I was trying to be smart and combine a few too many things at once o.O

  5. You certainly have enough samples to inspire the people attending class to no end. Bet it is a huge success!

  6. Great samples but i bet the savvy kids will be making the big one! Di x

  7. Brilliant, so nice to think there will be kids with gorgeous stockings and not PILLOWCASES... *shudder*


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