
Monday 3 December 2012

Bee Blessed December Block

A new month already!  I'm struggling to keep up!

Thank you everyone for donating brilliant Kiss blocks for November to Bee Blessed.  We have at least 25 in so far, with a few more still to come!  You can see some of them here.

Following on from Trudi's brill idea to make some Patchwork Wheel blocks (Hugs) to go with our Kisses, I thought it would be good to set the Patchwork Wheel as December's block.

Hug & Kiss blocks for Bee Blessed

I appreciate how busy everyone is and will be this month, so please don't feel under pressure.  If you happen to have a spare 20 minutes to rustle up a block following this tutorial, then that is fantastic.  As before, please keep to one fabric for the O and white background.

Our quilt nominations list has had a recent influx, so we will be as busy as ever at our last Bee Blessed meet up of 2012 on 15th December.  The needs of folks for comfort and hope are as great as ever.  Thank you for being an important part of this much needed blessing.

I will soon be updating the Bee Blessed page with our 2013 dates, so you can get them into your diary!


  1. What colour would you like your hugs to be? Di x

  2. I'll add you to the never-ending To Do list xxx

  3. Aww, what a lovely idea, hugs and kisses!

  4. Oh I missed this completely! Will try to catch up then!


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