
Wednesday 28 November 2012

The One Where I Forgot Something!

Working from home during the day means I have the privilege of being able to look after a couple of my friends' kids after school, several afternoons a week.

I know when their birthdays are, and I usually pride myself on being organised well in advance when it comes to theirs (& everyone else's) birthdays!

But I slipped up this week!

One of my Tuesday/Wednesday girls' birthday was on Monday.  I knew it was the 26th.  I've had her card written and set out from the beginning of November.  I always make her and her sister something for their birthdays.

Not realising how quickly November was disappearing like sand through my fingers, and foolishly thinking I still had plenty of time, I awoke Monday morning, checked the date, and then screamed!!

Ok, so that was a slight exaggeration!  I gasped in shock with hand to forehead (i.e. slapping myself on the head for being so remiss) and then wracked my brains all day trying to come up with an idea.

I managed to start working on my idea on Monday night (in class!!!) and got it finished yesterday, wrapped up and in time for youngun' coming through that door at 3pm!  Phew!

Journal/Notebook Cover Nov12

The smile and delighted reaction from this wanna-be fashion designer made it all worth while!

I think birthdays should last a couple of days anyway!  Don't you?


  1. Great cover! You are such a talented friend to have.

  2. Wow!! That is just awesome! Love the mod design. Great, great job!

  3. Oh I love the Loulouthi trousers. Inspired!

  4. This is brilliant, I bet she will treasure it for years. And I completely agree about birthdays lasting a few days, it was lovely for my daughter to come home from school for a few days in a row to another parcel. However my birthday is next week and it appears that my husband was arranging a meeting for Monday eve until I reminded him, so not much hope for me!!

  5. ohh that is beautiful, love it. We started having birthday weekends but now we have birthday weeks :O)

  6. Ooooo that is just fab - I feel another tutorial coming on!!! xx

  7. wow, you are amazing to have just thought that up and then whizzed it up. I know a young lady who would love something like that too!!

  8. No wonder she was delighted - it is gorgeous!! And done at speed, too - you talented girl.

  9. It's fab! No wonder she loved it. When I started reading the post I did think you were going to say you forgot someone's child :-) Also birthdays should last for more than a day. In 2014 I hit a milestone and I'm celebrating all year!!! :-)

  10. Wish I could whizz something like that up as quick as that.
    My Abi would love it.

  11. It's so beautifully made - she must have been thrilled!

  12. Judith, I'm in awe!! Well done on whipping up something so fantastic at such short notice!

  13. Fab notebook cover, no wonder she was pleased as it is so nice. Di x

  14. Well rescued! Great idea for the cover :o)

  15. wow! well done you! what a fab present! x

  16. Big phew indeed but fabulous pressie.


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