
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Angel Blocks

I love the concept of 'Angel Blocks'.

If a fellow bee member is struggling to make their blocks a particular month, another member offers to be their 'angel' and make the blocks on their behalf.  Like a kind of Guaradian Angel!

Well I got the privilege to dust off my halo & be guardian angel to one of my Brit Bee buddies, making her October's blocks for Susan.

Brit Bee Angel Blocks for Susan Nov12

These are the fabrics that Susan sent out, and she wanted a range of star block sizes.  The largest block there is 9.5" and the smallest (Pinwheels, technically not a star block!) is 3".

These 2 blocks have been foundation pieced:

Brit Bee Angel Block for Susan Nov12 Brit Bee Angel Block for Susan Nov12

The blocks are now on their way to a rather soggy England!

And the halo and wings have been put away for another day!


  1. They're gorgeous! Such a lovely thing to do xx

  2. Those are beautiful, you clearly make a great angel.

  3. What an angel! The blocks are lovely and will mix so well with the rest of the blocks. Susan is going to have one gorgeous quilt when the blocks are pieced together. Di x

  4. Divine! I adore stars and it's great to see the variety that you've made.

  5. Oh my goodness! They're way better than anything I could have done! Well done clever clog

  6. Great blocks. I think I need an angel to do all my sewing at the moment!

  7. Eeeeeeek! Happy me. You are an angel indeed. Love them all. And doesn't that DS stand out beautifully in that star?!! Thank you so much Judith!

  8. These are fabulous blocks! Well done I being this months angel

  9. Hey Jude I'd need u at the mo.. Going In for more surgery in december!! Fed up! :(

  10. Hmm, that 2nd one almost looks like an angel! Well done for getting 4 out though :o)

  11. Oh it is good that the haloes do not get too rusty! Great blocks, cheery and bright.

  12. What a lovely idea - angel blocks! And yours are just as lovely as the idea!


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