
Saturday 27 October 2012

New Messenger Bag!

I'm so chuffed to be able to show you this, finally!

My beautiful girl is 17 today, and she is only getting 2 presents!  This bag (which she helped to design) and a laptop to put in it!

Shannon didn't want the flap to come down too far on the front, but instead wanted pockets to be seen.

She choose 2 Ruby prints to compliment the strong denim (I was sewing through 8 layers of denim at one stage - only broke 1 needle - not bad eh!).

Special features include a zippered back pocket:

...a laptop sleeve inside: inner pocket for pens, phone, keys etc.

...and a fully adjustable shoulder strap:

I would have preferred to use silver metalware, but alas they were out of stock!

This is by far the sturdiest bag I've ever made.  Not only was the denim stiffened, but it is reinforced with vilene and the lining was prepped with wadding!

I didn't follow a pattern for this bag because of Shannon's specific requirements, but I did refer to Lisa Lam's Handbag Making Bible once or twice for guidelines on a couple of issues!

It turned out a little bigger than I expected, but at least there is loads of room for school folders as well as a laptop!

At the time of writing this Shannon hasn't yet received it!  So I will update you tomorrow with her verdict on it! (fingers crossed!).

My kids are now off school for half term, so I'm really hoping the sun keeps shining into next week as I take some much needed time off!

Have a fab weekend!


  1. Wow, I just love, love, love this bag. Ruby is getting a laptop for Christmas and needs a bag to take it to college. I may well be using denim too.

  2. I could be forced to "accidentally" sneak that bag home with me next time I'm at your house! It's flippin' brilliant. Mother and daughter design collaboration was a huge success and of course, beautifully executed. This is one amazing bag - perfect for an amazing daughter! Happy birthday wishes to Shannon from the Elwoods!

  3. You are amazing! That bag is simply perfect and Shannon will be thrilled. I have no doubt about that. I hope she has had the best of birthdays and that the whole week provides plenty of down time and family time for all of you.

  4. That is an amazing bag, the design and the ruby against the denim too. Hope Shannon has a fabulous birthday: she's going to love her bag!

  5. Happy birthday to Shannon!! That's bag is amazing! Everyone in school will b wanting one too! X

  6. Happy birthday to Shannon!! That's bag is amazing! Everyone in school will b wanting one too! X

  7. What a lucky girl to have such an awesome Mum and a superb bag too! Happy celebrations to all of you. xx

  8. Lucky Birthday girl - I hope she has a fantastic day x

  9. fantastic bag Jude! Happy birthday Shannon! Here's to half term!

  10. Fabulous bag, I want a whole blog post dedicated to how you sew thru 8 layers of denim successfully and only break one needle please!!!

    1. Oooops! Got distracted... Happy Birthday Shannon!

  11. Happy birthday to your daughter - what a perfect combibation - a lap top and something gorgeous made by you.

  12. Happy Birthday to Shannon! I am sure she will love it. It is perfect with all those little pockets.

  13. beautiful bag for a wonderful daughter.

  14. Happy birthday Shannon! The bag is amazing - definitely another contender for an Etsy shop pattern!

  15. Great bag - in awe of how difficult it must have been in sewing through all those layers and denim. I hope Shannon has a fabulous birthday - I'm sure she'll LOVE the bag!

  16. Wow, what an amazing present, Judith!!

  17. What a fabulous bag! Looks like it will carry a lot and last through all that a teenager will put it through.

  18. What a great bag. I'm sure your daughter will love it. I'm going to make a laptop bag for my son's girlfriend but it won't be half so sylish as this.
    Teresa x

  19. I love it! The bag is great, especially the combination of denim + 'Ruby'! It looks fab! I also broke a needle yesterday sewing through 4 layers of denim, you had a better needle :) Plus, I use Lisa's book all the time.

    I just found your blog, and I am adding it to my Reader list asap, will move to Belfast in December, and I taking notes on the list of fabric shops recommendations you published :)


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