
Sunday 28 October 2012

Double '00' Delights!

On Friday night I had a date with this guy:

He didn't disappoint!

And on Saturday I had a date with the gorgeous Bee Blessed gals:

There was much hilarity over the prospect of us making the quilters version of a 'Calendar Girls' Calendar!

Here's a quilt that Sarah made, all ready to be donated:

And just look at how well your crazy patchwork blocks are shaping up:

And to finish off the evening, me, hubby and 2 kids had a date with these crazy animals....

... while the birthday girl and her friends partied on back at the house!

Bag Update:  Once she got over the shock of how big the bag was, she loved it!

And this was inside it:

A new pencil case!

I hope you've had some wonderful dates this weekend!


  1. Wow! You've been busy, but good busy, doing fun stuff busy. Yay!

  2. Great weekend! I am glad you all had a great time- and it is only Sunday yet! Time for more fun.

  3. looks like a great start to half term week

  4. Lucky you! What a lovely date!
    Hope she had a great party and loves the new bags

  5. Hey....Daniel must be getting around because I am having a date with him next Saturday....unfortunately my hubby is coming to chaperone....:)
    The rainbow blocks are looking amazing! And you can never have enough bags....she is starting her collection young...beware!

  6. I was just commenting to someon else about a quilter's Calendar Girls but don't count me in!! I really want to see the new James Bond as people seem to be saying it's the best yet. So happy your daughter loved her bag!

  7. Looks like a great weekend, Judith! So sad to miss BB yesterday, but can't wait to catch up with you all again in a few weeks! (I think I'm on baked goods...) :)

  8. Sounds like a lovely day! Hope the party-goers tidied up after themselves ;o)

  9. Sounds like a happy day all round!

  10. Bond, Bee Blessed Babes, Bag, Birthday...Hmmm your weekend has been all about the letter 'B' :-)

  11. Excellent!!

    I've had a date with a quilt and the worst TV - lovely!

  12. Amzing how you caught most of us filling our faces!!!!

  13. You are now to FORGET the calendar idea - capice?! I love the paintbox rows of those crazy patches!!

  14. Looks like a fabulous day! And I'm looking forward to my own date with a certain '007' later this week! :)

  15. I went to see Skyfall yesterday. Isn't it just the most fantastic bond movie ever. Although I was always dead against a blond Bond I must admit now that he is doing a marvellous job at being Bond.

  16. oh I hate Bond movies but I would possibly going and see it just to ogle at him!!! lol! love the bag and pencil case fantastic. The quilt Sarah donated is beautiful! x

  17. Oh, hoping to go & see it this weekend! Your daughters bag is gorgeous! Hope she had a lovely birthday Gx

  18. Glad she loved the bag - what a gorgeous young woman she is.... and she has just the best Mum to make this for her. Good date..... I have a date with Brandon Flowers tonight - can't wait xxx


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