
Sunday 16 September 2012

What a line up!

Yesterday, we had our first Bee Blessed get-together, after a break over the summer.

That didn't mean that folks weren't still sewing on quilts and furthering projects.

Just have a look at this liitle lot!

From left to right, we have the converging corners blocks all sewn together into a quilt top!

Next is one of two Amy Butler quilts, made from a donated pack of AB fqs. 

This is at the quilt top stage, ready to be basted and quilted at our next meet.

The 3rd quilt there on my washing line is a D9P quilt top made from leftover blocks.

No.4 is a whole cloth quilt which has been long arm quilted and generously donated to BB.

Detail of the stunning quilting - front

View of quilting from the back
And last but not least, the other Amy Butler quilt, which is finished and ready to be donated.

We have a number of other quilts being worked on at the moment, and I'll bring you pictures of those next time.

Thank you everyone for continuing to support BB by making blocks.  We truly appreciate & use every single one, and I hope in time, you get to see your blocks in the finished quilts.

For those of you who live locally, and can sew and would like to support BB, you are most welcome to come along to our get-togethers and enjoy the creative fun, scrummy eats, and satisfaction of working towards a common purpose.  The dates of when we meet are on my BB page.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh wow don't they all look amazing hung on the line like that. The quilting in that whole cloth one is simply stunning - oh to be able to quilt like that!

  2. A line full of stunning quilts. The BB crowd have done a grand job. I am sure that the recipients will enjoy them. Di x

  3. What a lovely line of quilts! That converging corners block has worked wonderfully!

  4. I wish I were nearer, it would be great fun to get together at one of your meetings. I love all those quilts, and was really curious to see how the converging corners would turn out: it looks amazing.
    Well done to all of you

  5. What busy little bees! They all look great, but I particularly love the converging corners :o)

  6. Wow, you've all been very busy! They look fabulous :)

  7. More sterling work Judith, a great selection.

  8. What a great washing line! Converging corners looks so different up off the floor somehow - great how the pattern emerges.

  9. Those are the most AMAZING community quilts I have ever seen! I'm ashamed I haven't sent you anything in an age and will do my best to remedy that soon.

  10. ooooooo, ooooooo, oooooo - my ooooo's kept getting louder each time I got to the next photograph. These are stunning, lovely, what hard work you've all put in - fabulous xxxx

  11. These are beautiful; you do such a fabulous job with Bee Blessed

  12. Oh my goodness! Converging corners is spectacular! Well done, Bee mamas!

  13. As far as I'm concerned that's what a washing line is for - showing off beautiful quilts!

  14. I just love these!! My fav is the converging corners!! X


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