
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Seeing Stars!

This month in the Modern Irish Bee, queenie Cindy has got us all starry eyed!

With the most scrummy fabrics to work with and sumptuous Kona Teal as the background, I think these blocks are really striking!  They were fiddly and time consuming to make, but I'm sure, like me, you can envisage a stunning quilt when Cindy has all her blocks in!

Someone in class this week told me that 'perfection' is simply a word in the dictionary!  I hope Cindy bears this in mind when she gets these blocks because I managed to lose a point here and there!!

And just look at this big fella who's been visiting our garden!

Isn't he cute! And huge!

He pitched up Monday evening.  We found out in the wee hours of the night when our dog Poppy started going nuts!  He disappeared and we thought that was it, but this evening he came back.  And Poppy went nuts again!!

There was nothing else for it but to bring him in, get some expert advice, and then take him on a short drive to our nearest park for despatch! 

I'm just sorry 2 of my girls were already in bed when this all happened - they would have loved seeing such a big hedgehog this close!

And the other morning hubby saw a fox in our front garden!  I wonder what other city wild life we'll get this week!


  1. Those stars are beaut and I do like the blue background. I can't wait to see the quilt made up. As for the hedgehog, he is a large one. I find it fascination at how quickly they move too. Di x

  2. Love your stars - are they constellation stars? Your spikey friend is very cute.

  3. Judith your blocks look so good, hope mine turn out as well, I'm about to tackle them today......:S
    How bout that lil guy, he's just sooooo cute, how did you pick him up, all those spikes!!!!
    Karen x

  4. Those blocks are gorgeous - a lot of stars going round at the moment! That's a big hedgehog! We used to get them in the garden but they always seemed tiny and I think the roamed between the gardens. Not seen one for a long time.

  5. Great blocks.
    I hope there weren't any baby Tiggywinkles waiting at home for their daddy!

  6. Awww, why did you need to take him away? He prolly lived next door!
    Gorgeous blocks missus, cant believe you lost a must be there somewhere... lol

  7. I've got that block lined up to go in Beks quilt, Hope mine looks as good as yours!!!
    How amazing a hedgehog and fox in your garden, time we moved to Belfast LOL

  8. Oh, Judith! They're spectacularly beautiful! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Just package them up with the little pointy fella. We'd love to have him here in the garden :)

  9. Love the blocks, but as for the hedgehog, FFS, is he on steroids?! We get foxes trotting down the street round mine all the time, and I'm only a mile from Glasgow city centre, you're obviously behind the times in Belfast :oD

  10. Love the stars! Thats one of my all time favourite patterns of all time!

  11. The stars are great and Lucy would love the hedgehog!!

  12. What a fantastic star, they look great. We have a resident toad in our garden, been living there for years, and he often pops out in the summer to sit with us!

  13. Great blocks, I have one done and one to go! We also have a hedgehog who makes our dog go bananas - he returns every year at this time.

  14. Beautiful stars! And your garden visitor is far cuter than the grass snake I found caught hiding in the netting down on my allotment!

  15. Wow - so many HSTs in one block, never mind tow. These are lovely, I like the darker solid - nighttime twinklers!

  16. Your city is sure interesting! I love those stars and all the quilts from Bee Blessed from last post too.

  17. The stars are fabulous! I hope you gave Hedgie some string so he can find his way back home ;o)

  18. Loved it in black and loving the blue - that Cindy loves her stars! She will soon have a glorious galaxy!

    Cute hedgie! We get foxes, pheasants, badgers, deer, rabbits, weasels, shrews, moles, mice, rats, frogs, snakes, voles, - all sorts round here but we don't always see them...

  19. We've had some interesting wildlife in our garden and we are not by any means remote. We've had rabbits, hedgehogs, a fox and even a sparrow-hawk...just amazing what finds its way to us.

  20. Love the star blocks Judith, I must take mine out again soon and give it another go. Love the photo of the hedgehog - although I did get a fright I thought he was in a baking bowl!!! :)

  21. aww! we get foxes peering in to our kitchen most nights, and we're town folk too :)


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