
Thursday 21 June 2012

New Kids on the Block!

No.1 Daughter finished her GCSE's yesterday!


She has coped amazingly well, not only over the 5 weeks of exams, but the previous 2 years worth of controlled assessments too!  I'm so proud of her!

To celebrate, she launched her Etsy Shop yesterday - Poppy's Pocket!

Most of you will know that Shannon makes the most beautiful fimo creations and charms (yes, I know I'm biased). 

On the back of successful sales through school and my classes she has taken the plunge and is going to try to sell her wares to the rest of the world too!

She would love it if you would pop over and have a wee look and let her know what you think!

And not only that, she's only gone and got the blogging bug too.

The Crafty Teen is her blog, where she posts lost of fimo tutorials (on Youtube also).  If you know anyone who would like to be inspired in this craft, let them know that there is a Crafty Teen in Belfast who loves to share her ideas & inspire others.

And one more 'New Kid' to mention.

My friend & fellow Bee Blessed buddy, Tina has just started up a wee blog called Secret Ingredient: Love.  Tina is not only a fab quilter, but makes the most mouthwatering brownies, cookies and more!  (I love it when she brings her choccy nut cookies to BB!).

She is still in the early stages of setting up her blog, but I'm sure she would love it if some of you said hello!

Yesterday was a significant day for another reason too.  In the evening, daughter no.3 had her graduation service from Primary School.  Only 6.5 school days leftof P7!  My baby is growing up!  Yikes!

Have a great Thursday!



  1. Well done to your daughter. How lovely her little fimo goodies are - just placed an order - early birthday pressie for my daughter xx

  2. Wow what a talented daughter you have and maybe an entrepreneur too! Hope she has a summer full of sales

  3. Aww proud mammy!! Lovely post x

  4. Woohoo, congrats to all, and hope Poppy's Pocket does really well :o)

  5. Go Shannon! Her charms are amazing! I am in awe :o)

  6. So much going on in your house! You must be so proud of all of them. I am off to check out all your links and most certainly will be showing Em the blog when she gets home. That will get her even more enthused about fimo and the wait to her birthday in August is going to be a long one for her!

  7. Well I was trying to work out what I liked absolutely the most and ended up not being able to decide so bought fun earrings for my niece and I to wear when we go on holiday together in August.

  8. You have a very talented daughter and all of them growing up so fast too. Nice to meet Tina too.

  9. BIg milestones this week! Bet you're glad you got your own laptop now or you and Shannon would be fisty-cuffing for blog space all summer!

  10. Yay! Proud Mummy day :) I'm sure Jess will check out those Fimo tutorials :)

  11. Oh what a talented bunch you all are!!!

  12. Well done Shannon! We were all so impressed with her fimo creations at retreat, great that she's being so enterprising with it!

  13. I bet she is looking forward to her long summer holiday. And well done to her for the etsy shop and blog, very inspiring

  14. She is amazing! I have to try some of her tutorials. Absolutely stunning! I wish her all the best for the shop :)

  15. Congrats to your daughter finishing her GCSEs. You can tell her mine finished her A levels yesterday and I think is in a state of shock that it's all over :o) I'm sure she thinks I'm sending her back to school on Monday!

    Off to have a look at the shop and blog. Thanks for the links.

  16. You're such a talented lot!! I hope Shannon enjoys her long break before college starts!

  17. Wow! Shannon's charms are too cute!! Well done to her on her exam success as well as a great blog and a growing little business! And thanks for mentioning my blog, too! :)

  18. Cool! Thanks for the news...I'm off to check out the new (to me) sites!

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