
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Autumn Classes Preview 1

I will be publishing my Autumn programme of classes on Friday, so I thought I'd do a few preview posts on some of the projects we'll be making in class.

First up is something you have already seen this week in my new Blog Header:

Due to popular demand, I will be running an Applique skills class, where we will be learning 4 main types of applique.

1. Satin Stitch (machine applique - as shown in the Love cushion above)
2. Free Motion Sketching (machine applique - see below)

3. Needleturn (hand applique):

Inspired by this picture.
These cushions are approx. 18" x 14", which means those super mini quilts hanging on the washing line are less than 4" finished!

4. Reverse Needleturn (hand applique)

The class will be mainly techniques based with the option of making 1 cushion. 

The cushion borders have been mitred at the corners, which is another technique I've been waiting to teach.  I used recycled denim for my borders, and I think the mitred corners help to frame the applique pictures.

Applique is a lot of fun when you find a technique and style that works for you.  The creative possibilities are endless!


  1. Wow, those are all so cute!

  2. Wow! Those cushions are so amazing. Your stitching is perfect. This is a class I could really benefit from.

  3. Those cushions are wonderful. I would love to come to your class.... Your students are in for a treat. Di x

  4. Oh those classes are going to be brilliant!

  5. These cushions look so gorgeous!

  6. I cant wait to make these!!! Brilliant!! X

  7. Aww, thats another class I really could do with joining...

  8. Cool classes, can't wait to see what the students make :o)

  9. Just fabulous! It's going to be a great class.

  10. Having just finished my quilt top I can agree! Lots of variety and options there - now if only I had come across your classes a bit earlier....

    Love the Beatles look!

  11. All gorgeous, love your style! You'll be booked out (you probably are already!) Think the house one is especially uber duber cute :) x

  12. Ooh, I can't wait for the published schedule, because I definitely want to sign up for this class!

  13. I wish I could come and learn satin stitch applique. Would be so useful and I've never managed to do it on my machine. Probably because I am not using the right settings or something.

  14. Those are so cute and the shapes are smooth and bubbly enough that they would be achievable for anyone new to appliqué.

  15. The classes are going to be fully booked within minutes!! The cushions are fabulous, I particularly love the 'quilts on the line' one!

  16. Really looking forward to this class. So glad I booked early.

  17. cushion delight, Jude! I need to come to class :-) can you do an online class for us lot over 'ere? :-)


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