
Friday 29 June 2012

Nearly There!

For my Thursday and Friday classes, it is the end of term!  Here is a wee summary of what the Thursday crowd were up to:

This is a selection of journal covers and travel sewing pouches which the ladies made in just 2 weeks.  Aren't they fab!  I didn't get taking pictures of everyone's, but trust me when I say they were fabulous!

Well done to the ladies in all my classes, for producing such wonderful creations, getting to the end of term, and putting up with my chaos and mistakes!!  You have been a privilege and a joy to teach (well, most of the time!).

The patterns for the Journal Cover and Travel Sewing Pouch are now available in my Etsy shop.

I have just one more evening class next week and a Saturday workshop, and then I am officially clocking off for 9 days!

I am so much looking forward to my first real slice of time off since Christmas!

Well, this weekend I am nursing a sick girl back to health, watching Wimbledon, and trying to stay in my PJs for as long as possible!

Hope you have a relaxing one!


  1. Lots of lovely variety - thanks for putting up with our antics and huffs!

  2. They all look great, well done ladies :o)

  3. PJ weekend sounds perfect.... Ladies have done well :-)

  4. Hope the poorly one is better quickly and that you get all the pyjama time you desire.

  5. 9 whole days!? Hope your weekend turns out as great as those pouches x

  6. They look great. Enjoy your time off!

  7. Your notebook covers look fantastic! What cool classes you have!

  8. they look like fun xx enjoy your time "off" x

  9. Enjoy the P J time! Looks like you deserve it - but I bet you still look glam!

  10. They look fab! And you read my mind I was thinking about three hours ago - that you needed to put the patterns in your etsy shop!

  11. Sorry to hear you've got a poorly girl, hope she is soon better! Good on you for putting the patterns for those lovely makes in your shop!

  12. what fantastic makes! Hope you enjoy your pj weekend (I have a weekend of revision, boo: this counts as my 'coffee break')

  13. They all look wonderful! Enjoy your rest xx

  14. You have given your classes so many lovely projects to make and now we can all join in via Etsy - yay! Enjoy your time off. Chill and enjoy the PJ days. Di x


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