
Saturday 30 June 2012

Bee Blessed Summer Block

It's that time again when Bee Blessed put out the call to all our wonderful supporters for block donations.

This time, you have July and August to have a go at this month's block - Antique Tile.

You can find the brilliant tutorial for this block here.

We would love for you to keep to a mainly blue and white theme for this block, using white on the outside where I have used white (fabric A in the tutorial).

If you want to introduce slightly different shades of blue e.g. teal or aqua, then that would be great, as long as the overal colour scheme of the block is blue and white.

This is a really quick block to make, with a clever and cunning way to construct it. 

We hope you have fun with it.

Bee Blessed will only be meeting once or twice over the summer, so we may not have much to report for a few weeks yet.  But please know that projects are progressing and all the donated blocks so far are being put to good use.

Thank you too for the wonderful fabric donations we have recently received from several bloggers.  The generosity of this blogging community never ceases to impress me. Your 'gifts' will be turned into quilts to bless others.


  1. Like it! Must take a leaf out of your book and get on with it!

  2. This is a lovely block and blue and white will be really lovely. I will do my best to get a couple off to you before summer's end.

  3. Block looks great J and as you know I'm a bit partial to blue and white quilts. Could have to wrestle these BB quilts away from me when they're finished.

  4. This looks like a fun block. I think I need some more pre-bee practice don't you? ;-)

  5. I shall go in search of some blue!

  6. What a pretty block...I would imagine several together would have lots of subsidiary patterns :o)

  7. Can I use fabric which is mainly blue but has a little yellow and pink in it too??

  8. I have blue! .......and teal.........and aqua :-) Happy Holidays Jude :-)


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