
Saturday 5 May 2012


Here it is .... 

I love this quilt so far.  Mainly because it is a collaborative quilt, from all around the world.  But also because it is a Bee Blessed quilt, and will be going to a teenage girl struggling with M.E.

I'm going to call it 'A Wonky House for Pippi'!  It is fun, colourful, and tells a story, which all quilts should in my opinion.

I had 2 wonky house blocks leftover, so in true 'Nicky' style, I'm going to put them into the back of the quilt, to make the back as interesting as the front!

All I've done to them so far is add a border of colourful squares, to mirror the Pippi blocks on the front.

Now for the front, the big question is............. border or no border?

It is currently flaunting at a respectible 62" sqaure, I'm just not sure if putting binding straight onto it would look right. 

What do you think?


  1. I vote for a border but cannot suggest what kind of border because it is late and my brain went to bed before my body did. Love the quilt top though. It is going to be loved.

  2. Oh it looks lovely! What are you putting on the back? Maybe a 4"border of the same?

  3. Ooh I would do a border - something scrappy I think! Yeah two fronts! Love that Jude and that my wee house shares the limelight there!

  4. I would do a bright red gingham border. I just will have to do a quilting class with you Judith next year on purely quilts alone!!!! x

  5. Pippi-licious is truly splendiferous! Pippi and her houses do need a border though! Di xo

  6. What a lovely quilt! I'm sure that the recipient will love the company of all those Pippis. I think I'd stick a slim border on it before binding :)

  7. I love it! I would do a 4 - 6" white border so the blocks float a bit and the binding stands out. With no border your edges are all different and they might be lost a bit. I am sure whatever you decide will be lovely.

  8. it looks fantastic, well done. I think a scrappy border would look great

  9. I was going to pretty much say what Leanne has. It is a fabulous quilt and hopefully will brighten that young girl's life.

  10. I was going to say what Leanne and Sheila just have! I think it needs a solid to make the Pippi's and homes sing! Great top though!

  11. I think it's absolutely gorgeous. I'd go with no boarder - I think it looks fab as it is.

  12. border. border.
    didn't sleep much the last two nights.

  13. It's wonderful and such a lovely gift for the recipient - I hope it gives her a lift and might even inspire her to start sewing once she starts to feel a bit brighter...
    How about a narrow border of white and then a scrappy squares border followed by a spotty red binding?

  14. Looks like a cool neighbourhood to live in! I would have said no border and just a bright solid binding but seems that's not the majority feel.

  15. Beautiful, can't wait to see the finished quilt, it will be fab whatever border you choose
    Lol Karen x

  16. Aw, Pippi-Licious looks AmaZing Jude!!! I reckon a white border & then a scrappy/dotty/ginghammy binding would look fab but you've probably finished it by now. Arf

  17. Oh, this is fab, full of personality! I vote border, bet you've already finished it by now though :) x


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