
Monday 7 May 2012

Got Me Some Moo!

I'm not usually one for jumping on band wagons, but I couldn't resist a little bit of Moo! (It's all Susan's fault!).

'Moo' Mini Business Cards
These are half the size of standard business cards, but the fun part is that you get to put your own pics on the fronts. 

And they come in a cute wee box which could easily live in your handbag (well one of my handbags anyway!).

What finally clinched it for me was the idea of swapping moo cards with other bloggy friends at the Fat Quarterly Retreat.

But this one is just for me!

Thank you for all your fab suggestions on how to progress the 'Wonky House for Pippi' Quilt.

In the end I've gone with a narrow white border, with coloured cornerstones.  I got the back pieced too, so I'll be basting this baby on Saturday at Bee Blessed.  I've a dreadful feeling that free motion quilting will be the way to go with this one!!

After days of beautiful sunshine here in Belfast, the awful weather has finally caught up with us on this Bank Holiday Monday!  We've had rain, hail, lightening, rain, and then a bit more rain!!

Hope you are safe and dry whatever you're doing!


  1. Yay! Trying to decide which one I want to trade for now. I am the enabler!!!!

  2. And another one succumbs... Susies dangerous... lol

  3. great cards - I have not yet succumbed (yet....)

  4. Another one joins the herd! Mine live in my handbag, love 'em.

  5. You have joined the happy herd! Woot woot - are we doing swapsies!???

    I blamed Susan for mine too - she is a temptress....!

    Good luck with the FMQ - what are you going to do??

  6. Hee hee - glad Susan is getting the blame!

  7. I got the little freebie deal of ten standard cards.... they are super cute, I love yours with your photos on x

  8. Lol, I'm still holding out... for now ;o)

  9. Ooh these are cute. These may be a want rather than a need but I am wanting...... Di x

  10. Save me a bee and I'll swap you for one of my hedgehogs?! xx

  11. I see Pippi on a card! Maybe you will have one for me.

  12. Wow! I have never seen these before - they're great!

  13. How cute are these! Love the pic on your special card.

  14. I ordered me some Moo last night. Love yours, the family pic is lovely :)

  15. love your cards!! they are just great aren't they? x

  16. Brilliant! Love how yours all look coordinated! Must remember to bring mine so we can swap :) x

  17. I love your Moos!!! The other day I found myself thinking about how lovely it would be to have some Archie Moos...


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