
Monday 14 May 2012

Cushion Goodness!

My Monday night beginners have been working on single skein cushions:

(Apologies for the teeny picture taken with my mobile phone.)

What you can't see here are the hidden ZIPS inserted into the backs!  Yes, I did say zips!  How cool is that!

And they are not stopping there!  Oh no! I'm now seeing doorstops and handbags being sewn up too!

Considering the majority of this class had never used a sewing machine before, EVER, I think their achievements are magnificent!  Well done you lot!

Before I go, check out a fab new online shop by my fluffy sheep buddy Cindy!  Cindy is a fellow Irish quilter and a very talented one at that, which makes her shop guaranteed pleasure!

Go on, you know you want to! Jxo


  1. I love the cushions - they've done so well! (They must have had a marvellous teacher!)

  2. Great cushions! Successfully initiating yet more folks into this addictive craft! Well done them and you!

  3. Ahh the hidden zipper in cushion... that's my next challenge!

  4. Brilliant cushions and well done for the zips. I know that the zips are positioned to perfection as I have followed your tutorial and your instructions are clear and easy to follow. Congrats to you and your class. Di xo

  5. You have beginners doing hidden zips?! They will be conquering the world next!

  6. You have an amazing class, Judith. How great are those cushions? Amazing.
    Thanks so much for telling folks about the shop! It's up and running and all kinds of fun right now :)

  7. I think that Helen is oh so right! I am going to ask you all sorts of questions at FQ! No hiding now!

  8. what fantastic cushions, you have some talented ladies in your class

  9. Those are great cushions and good idea to start the beginners with zips, they will never know that they should have feared the zipper.

  10. They look brilliant, and I've made one using that IKEA fabric (back row, far left!) so I say, excellent fabric taste too :) x


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