
Sunday 13 May 2012

Bee Blessed Relocates

The sun was shining yesterday, but a thriving company of women didn't get to see much of it!

Bee Blessed has relocated to the church where I teach my classes!  And it certainly made a difference!

The vast floor space meant quilts could be easily basted and blocks laid out!

And we even have our own coffee area!

Two quilts are finished and ready to be donated.  One you can see here, which Sarah did an amazing job on. This one is going to a young man with M.E.

The second one is a beautiful Oakshott Cotton quilt made by Marion.  This is being gifted to a man who is ill and in need of some comfort.

There are a few quilts and cushions still being worked, but I will keep you up to date.  Thank you to everyone who has donated Converging Corners Blocks so far. They are really taking shape and it's going to be another fabulous quilt.

The next BB meet up will be on 2nd June.  I won't be able to make that one, because I'll be somewhere in the depths of London, sewing alongside my Brit Bee buddies while waving to the Queen as she floats down the Thames (at least I hope she floats)!

And before you hop on to the next blog in your reader, check out the wonderful zippy pouches my Friday class have made!

Apologies for the over-cropping by Mosaic Maker - I'm still trying to remember to take photos with this in mind!
Have a great weekend!


  1. We sure know how to take over a space, don't we? The oakshot quilt is stunning. Love the zippy pouches your class made - lots of zippy goodness there!

  2. That looks like such a better location :-) Love the oakshott man quilt too. And woohoo! I'll be buggin the crap out of you in person on June

  3. You lot are turning into a veritable industry with the quilt making. I am so impressed that you got so many people involved. And the Oakshott quilt is beautiful. Now, bring on June!!

  4. You lot have a veritable industry going with the quilt making now. I am impressed with how many people you have motivated to get involved. Love the Oakshott. Now, bring on June!!

  5. love the oakshott quilt. will be sending my blocks off this week (sarah has given me her address)

  6. Looks like a fab place to work, and great makes by both the Bee and your class :o)

  7. Looks like a brilliant venue and the oakshott quilt is gorgeous. Your class zippys are looking good too. I will see you in London! Di xo

  8. The Oakshott quilt is lovely, as is Sarah's. That room is perfect for a large group to sew, great idea to move there.

  9. It looks like a fabulous place for BB to meet - the Oakshott and pouches are wonderful!

  10. Look at you guys! Like a thriving enterprise! That's so super cool. Well done!

  11. So jealous .. Really wanted to go but had to work! The quilts are gorgeous and I'm sure whoever gets them will b delighted!

  12. You look like you all had a great time, that's a super quilt!

  13. That looks like a great sweat shop you have there Judith.x

  14. Great new location! Haven't quite got round to those blocks yet - oops!

  15. Oh looks like a great set up!!
    Will Retreat be too late for handing over the blocks?

  16. Fab location and the Oakshott quilt is very beautiful :)

  17. How industrious! What a great location. The Oakshott looks amazing, and will be treasured I think. x


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