
Wednesday 28 March 2012

Spring Greens (& other colours)!

I've decided I'm going to enjoy today!

The week has been stressful up to now, and it is robbing my joy of this beautiful weather and season.

So I'm taking the morning off from 'work' (I even had a lie-in, on a school morning - gasp!) and am going to slowly potter the day away.  Just what my (self-diagnosing) doctor ordered!

I've already been out in the garden, enjoying the new bursts of spring colour:

And talking of bursts of colour, I have some pics to show you of our progress in Bee Blessed:

First up, another sampler quilt in green and orange:

Doesn't this one just shout 'Spring'?  Just the back to get pieced for this one and it's ready for quilting.

And Sarah has been beavering away with the orphan blocks (the ones leftover from earlier projects), making up the cutest pram blankets:

The dino quilt was a panel kindly donated by River Fabrics, which has quilted up brilliantly into a cot bed sized boy quilt.

There are a few more still being worked on, and we meet again on Saturday, so I'll have another progress update for you then.

Also, I'll be posting the details of April's block at the end of this week - watch this space!

And now I need your help!

I would like to make my niece a cushion for her 14th birthday next month, using the Mod Mosaic pattern by Elizabeth Hartman.

But my niece's bedroom is pale pink and white, and my pale pinks are sadly lacking.

What collection would you recommend I choose from that fits my criteria, of not being too babyish, but suitable for a girly 14 year old?

All suggestions gratefully received!

Have a great one!


  1. You enjoy your day Judith, recharge the batteries. Re. your cushion, I am not brilliant with collections, I know we have quite a few pinks in our shop at present, some quite Cath Kidston like, proving very popular. Would she like some hot pink injected into it too?

  2. Lovely pics J!

    What about these lines:

    Dena Fishbein - Tea Garden
    Heather Baily - Nicey Jane
    Pat Bravo - Hyperreal Garden

    Ann Kelle Remix has some lovely pink blender prints too.

    (I found these using the colour picker on the hawthorne thread website, its quite useful!)

  3. I hope your day is wonderful. I am not so good at light pink either, A Walk in the Woods by Aneela Hoey is very cute.

  4. I would suggest Ruby! I sure hope your day off is exactly what you need. You deserve a day that is all about you!

  5. Oooh! I really like your green/orange spring quilt top! The blocks look fantastic together!

  6. Sorry I missed the move over to your new blog! Lovely flowers and quilt top. I would suggest Ruby too as its not too girly pink.

  7. The Springy sampler quilt is beautiful and will may someone soooo happy!

    I reckon a bit of brighter pink wouldn't go amiss, I'm with Lolly on the Ann Kelle; I like Peacock Lane too - some on sale at MisforMake

  8. ... or this F16th bundle...

  9. I rarely know the name of a fabric line so I am a fat lot of good. Hope you found your equilibrium again!

  10. I'm glad you got out to enjoy the weather. Best antidote to feeling down or stressed is to be outside enjoying the garden or outdoors in general. Love that spring quilt. I'm not sure the names of any pinks - my mind is blank. Maybe because I've just realised I need your address to finish off and send the March Bee Blessed girly block to you - which is half finished about three feet away - neglected with the rest of my sewing!!

  11. I hope that your sunny day of has been refreshing and that your batteries are recharged. Di xo

  12. Glad you played hookie this morning and had some fun in the sunshine! Don't quilts always look fab hanging on a line on a sunny day? Not much to suggest on the pinks off hand - though I think that Heather Bailey would be good or maybe the Soul Blossom pinks you were thinking of - Gone to Earth has some nice pinks in each.

  13. Yay for taking a break to play out in the sun (wonder if I can persuade my boss to let me do that tomorrow ;o) )

  14. So nice to hear that you've had a good Me day! Long lies always help ;-) Fabric wise I'd say Silent Cinema... lol but thats just me...

  15. good to hear you had a lie in and a break! we all need a breather from our routines sometimes. The flowers are gorgeous and those quilts awesome as always! x

  16. Hello lovely, sorry you've had a stressy week. I love the sampler quilt..and how about Karavan by Valorie Wells for your cushion? In the Blossom colourway, it's pink but grown up - let me know if you want me to send you some scraps of it - I got a small bundle on sale a while back x


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