
Thursday 29 March 2012

April Brit Bee

Firstly, 'thank you' to everyone for your thoughtful comments to me this week.  I've been pretty shattered and a bit stressed out lately, and v.much enjoyed some much needed time off yesterday.  It was heart warming reading your lovely well wishes, and I'm feeling much more myself again.


April marks the final month in the first year long Brit Bee!

It's amazing to think that a group of 12 women, unknown to each other, were formed this time last year out of the first Brit Quilt Swap.

We have become firm friends, sharing the highs and lows of life, and are hoping to continue the bee on into another year.

The super talented Jo is Miss April, and the theme she wants us to work on this month is 'Circles'.

Now I'm not known for my love of circles and curves, so I decided to grab hold of the nettle and get on with it!

I got my package of yummies from her this morning, and by this afternoon I had made this:

18.5" x 22"

Blanket stitch applique in coral thread, and satin stitch applique in invisible thread

Jo gave us the choice between making 2 x 12" blocks or a larger block.  As the piece of background linen was 18.5" x 22", I decided to go with one larger block.  And while the centre piece isn't technically a circle, I wanted to maximise the gorgeous Heather Ross fabrics, and a more oval shape fitted the proportions of the background better.

I hope you like it Jo!

I've also managed to get all my Stained QAL blocks done:

Just the internal sashing to put on now and I'm thinking wider outer borders. My nephew is a rugby player, so yet another sizeable quilt required! 

They make 'em big in our family!

Off to class tonight - can't wait to show you some amazing Value Quilt pictures!


  1. gorgeous work! both of them - i love the blue in your stained glass quilt, great work!

  2. your stained is coming along great, love the colours.
    Really like your circle block too

  3. Love the oval and circles block - such fun fabrics to work with. Can't believe you're going to be able to part with that Stained quilt - it's just too nice to give away!

  4. Oh wow loved that stained glass quilt! It's going to be fab - your Nephew is very lucky! I am loving the circle block too - such a fun use of those HR fabrics!

  5. Glad to hear you are feeling a better. The Heather Ross block is adorable, I think the oval idea was very inspired! And gosh, that Stained QAL is impressive.

  6. Like the oval block. You have done a good job. The stained glass quilt is stunning. Your nephew is a fortunate lad! Di xo

  7. Your oval block is fantastic! What a great idea!

    I can't believe your Brit Bee is only 1 year old. It seems like you've know each other for ages.

  8. Wow - I can't believe you have made your block before I have even got my fabric!!!!!!!!!! It's great!
    Big Stained is looking wonderful too

  9. Wow, april block is fabulous! I'm so dreadfully behind... Glad you're feelin a bit more human and less stressed out... Look after yourself ;-)

  10. I love the block you made, gorgeous! Quilt looks great too.

  11. The block is wonderful as is the stained quilt! I am glad you are feeling better.

  12. 1. Glad you are feeling a little less stressed.

    2. Block looks fab (as usual!)

    3. Quilt looks phenomenal!

  13. Your bee block is great though I have no idea how you finished it so quickly!! And your Stained Blue is looking fab too. Those two projects alone should be enough to put a smile on your face.

  14. Love the circles! The Stained looks awesome too :)

  15. Yay for grasping nettles, love the bee block and the look of the Stained top

  16. Ooooo you're ahead of the game, Mrs, I only got my fabrics today! Love the circle of joyousness :) By the way, we've been going a year I think but it's not our last month, we've still got Terri to make for..! xx

  17. Glad you are feeling back to normal.
    Block is gorgeous! And I really like the colours in the stain quilt!

  18. I love the oval block - such a great idea! Stained is looking fabulous! Glad you're feeling a bit brighter xx


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