
Wednesday 7 March 2012

Not For The Faint-Hearted!

Mothers Day is fast approaching here in UK (18th March).

I've decided to make my mum a cushion for her recently decorated lounge.

Here is a swatch of her new wallpaper:

The top right flower looks green but it's actually gold!
And here are the fabrics I've chosen:

Kona Ivory, Robert Kaufamann (Double Happiness) & some of my stash.
As I've been wanting to have a go at the machine sewing method of Cathedral Windows for a while (I learnt the hand sewing method at college) I thought I'd make a CW cushion for mum.

Oh boy!

It all came back to me like a disturbing suppressed memory from a trauma long ago!  The endless, tedious folding, ironing, burning fingers, more folding, ironing, trying to mitre and align points!  Who in the name of Henry thought this would be a satisfying and fulfilling patchwork technique?

If it wasn't for the stunning finished look of CW I think I would have reverted to plan B long before now.
But I press on (ohhhh sorry about the bad pun!).

8 squares folded & pressed.  8 more to go!
If only I had teflon fingers!


  1. Ahhh... But no pain no will be worth it! Di xo

  2. Yes it might be a pain but the finish is worth it.

  3. Go for it! I really want to try a cathedral windows cushion, maybe I'll make my mama one for Moms day too :-)

  4. Oh I absolutely LOVE Cathedral Windows (but it will be a while before I dare to attempt them) and I absolutely love the fabrics you have selected to use-- esp. the one with the birds. What a thoughtful gift for your Mom (or Mum as you probably say). Our Mother's Day here in the states is not until early May. Looking forward to seeing your pillow (I mean "cushion") finished!!

  5. Yup I am definately put off...... my fingers are still recovering from my recent star block... good luck with your cushion x

  6. This will look fab when it's done. I've never attempted CW either as I assume I'd just make a wonky mess out of them. I do know what you mean about burnt fingers as in one of the mug rug swaps I made a suffolk star as the centre piece. Big irons and pieces less than an inch wide don't play well together.

  7. Better you than me! But I bet it looks incredible when you are done.

  8. It does look so good when it's done tho....

  9. Judith, I thought I would share this "easy" version of Cathedral Windows. Now let me just say it is on my list of "things to try" so I haven't done it yet but it looks a bit simpler than the traditional but with the same end results. Just something to look at.

  10. Oh I can't wait to see this - you're braver than me!

  11. Your Mom is going to love it. Just keep repeating that until you're done ;-) I'm looking forward to seeing it!

  12. oh they are hard work arn't they: I have made a cushion cover too - but its all worth it at the end! I LOVE your fabric choices

  13. When did you change your blog name - am I the most unobservant person or what??

  14. Have you been changing things on your blog? I like the green background...very spring like and fresh!

  15. Love the new blog name! I like to look at cathedral window in all their glory, I just don't fancy all the hard work ;-). Looking forward to seeing the finsihed cushion.

  16. I love the new look blog - the green is especially nice. I've just starting making a little cathedral window pincushion (as in one block), but I can't imagine making something bigger!

  17. Much more stylish now you've lost the rags!

    Your CW cushion will be fantastic, I'm sure! I have a 'cheater' version bookmarked but wouldn't even think about attempting the real thing, lol.

  18. They do look beautiful when they're done, and love your fabric choices. Go Judith, you can do it! ***waves pom poms***

  19. Happy new blog name my friend! Looking good. Great fabric choices for the CW - can't wait to see your progress on this - no matter how often I read books and tutes on the CW pattern I just do not seem to understand the concept. Maybe I'm just a bit dense (rhetorical statement, no need to respond!)

  20. oOoooo I've always been fascinated by this design, very excited to see how you get on! (congrats on the brand change too!) xx

  21. I think your cushion will be wonderful for you mum but I agree about the pressing and fussing, I was happy to make a single block pincushion but I am not sure I could manage a whole cushion. The new blog is lovely too.

  22. I can't wait to see more of this project!!


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