
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Making Fewer Waves!

I needed to make my nephew's 18th birthday quilt bigger:

51" x 55"

I've been through several different (albeit limited) options on how to do this.  My first preference was to put a skinny white border all round, then get hold of an aqua print and border all sides. (I'd already started sewing the lefover strips from the front to make a pieced back!)

I didn't want to order more of the aqua in the quilt because of an over emphasis on flowers!  But I just haven't been able to find a suitable aqua print anywhere. How frustrating!

So plan B is to use the leftover strips from the back and make up the border that way.

Now measuring 62" x 68"
While I just don't think this works, and probably spoils the 'wave' effect of the pattern, I've no time or patience left to hunt round the country looking for the right shade of aqua (online shopping wasn't an option because of the need to match to an exact shade).

So it will have to do.

The leftover strips went into the back, along with the light weight denim I've used on numerous other projects (thanks for the suggestion Had!).

I've tried to put a few more waves in with the quilting.

Just the binding to make and attach and that'll be one 18th birthday pressie sorted!


  1. I really like it Judith! I think that rather than spoiling the wave effect the white sashing and the border somehow emphasise it - maybe because it becomes 'contained' somehow?? I think it looks really vibrant.

  2. Well you did it! Good tip from Hadley about the backing. It will be a great 18th birthday present. Di xo

  3. Really like it, love the border it blends perfectly, nice one
    Karen x

  4. I think it looks great Judith! and I really like the svrappy border. I think it emphasises the waves and frames them at the same time. You have a very lucky nephew!

  5. I think it looks fantastic! It works really well and keeps the eye moving across the quilt where as a block of colour in the borders would have framed it and would lose the momentum of the pattern.

    I bet he will love it!

  6. It looks fab. I agree that the frame draws attention to the waves in the centre! I also think the scrappy border adds to the movement :) Lucky nephew!

  7. Sure it works perfectly, sure he'll like it (plus I bet he hasn't a clue about the wavy effect that was meant to be there!)

  8. I think it is very funky and perfect for a teenager! The denim on the back is also a great idea.

  9. I love the scrappy border, looks perfect to me :) He'll love it I'm sure!

  10. I think the denim back with wavy quilting will do just the truck! And its nice that you included scraps from the front. Remember, this is a teenage boy and not the Quilting Police that you're making for-- I'm sure he will love it and appreciate that its homemade by his aunt. I'm hoping to finish one of my quilt tops but I keep running into deadlines (for the next few days it will be working on taxes!! Fun!) Have a good day!

  11. Resourcefulness at its best J! Looks fab even if it isn't how you had originally planned. Love the denim backing - so great for teenage boy!

  12. I really like the scrappy border! And the backing!!

  13. Well I think it works and doesn't take away from the waves at all. I think it is gorgeous!

  14. I think it looks brilliant, and the back turned out fab as well! Oh he will be such a cool surfer dude... that makes me sound old rather than cool eh!


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