
Thursday 9 February 2012

My Brit Bee Blocks!

My month was January in the Brit Bee.

Most of my blocks are in from the other 11 wonderful gals, and they look soooo goooood!

I'll show you them all laid out when I get the last ones in.  But I remembered that I still have to make 2 blocks of my own to put with them!!  Just because it was my month to crack the whip, doesn't mean I get to slack off making what the others are making!

So here are my 2 log cabin interpretations:

All 24 blocks will be bordered in this lightweight denim.
I have fallen in love with orange this past year, which is amazing because before that I would have said it was my least favourite colour!

Because of the generosity of my Brit bee-ers, I was able to make up this block entirely from their donated scraps!  Thanks girls - your scraps are so much better than mine!

The 2nd block is traditional in design, but done in rainbow coloured scraps.

As for what I have to make for Miss February, I had great fun playing the other evening, but then ran out of bondaweb!  So just as soon as I get more, I'll get my mugshot finished and sent back to Jennie.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Can't wait to see them all together - the bright colours are lovely.

  2. Your blocks are really pretty! I love the chatting lady in the first one!

  3. oooh lovely. I especially love that second one. Great colours & design :)

  4. They look cute! Can't wait to see them all laid out :-)

  5. Can't wait to see the blocks all together. Yours look wonderful!

  6. Lovely! I've fallen for orange in the past year too, weird?!
    I love the lady on the phone, cute!

  7. These look great, can't wait to see the assembled top!

  8. Oh, don't tease! I want to see them AAAAAALLLL!!! So pretty - and I agree about orange. Not my favourite either until about 3 weeks ago!!

  9. I thought we were going to get to see all of them.... Not that yours arent lovely!! (they are!)

  10. Love that lady on the phone - she has real attitude! Cool blocks, looking forward to the big reveal of all the others.

  11. Oh brilliant! you used the lady! so glad could put her to good use :) x

  12. They look great, I can't wait to see all of them together! And I'm also really looking forward to seeing your February block!

  13. Definitely in the orange camp too Judith! Cute telephone lady!


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