
Saturday 11 February 2012

The Big Birthday Weekend!

This is it!

The big birthday weekend in the Hollies' Household.

 Today my dad turns 70, which we are celebrating tomorrow ....

Happy Birthday Dad!
... and tomorrow no.2 daughter turns 13, which we are celebrating today! 

Butter wouldn't melt ...!
Happy birthday my lively one!
With me so far??

The young 'un has had friends sleeping (??) over last night, and then off to MacD's and the cinema later today!  

Tomorrow, we all pile down to my sister's for a joint birthday party.  I will be a quivering wreck by then as I will be handing over the Civil War quilt I made for dad, with contributions from all the family.

No one else in the family has seen the finished quilt yet, apart from my hubby and kids of course!  So it will be a big reveal for all of the family gathered together.  

Sadly my brother and his family won't be there as they live in England.  But no doubt cameras will be snapping away and lots of pics downloaded and emailed.

I will bore you with pics of the special day after Sunday!

Have a great weekend!


  1. He will be so thrilled with it Judith. I hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow and hope your daughter is enjoying her birthday. Have a great weekend

  2. Enjoy your birthday weekend. 13yrs and 70yrs are both landmarks in life. We've had a 17th birthday and 'getting older' birthday in our household this week too. Keep eating cake, I say!! Thy our civil war quilt will have them all blubbing so remember the hankies!! Have a great time and share the photos. Di xo

  3. Have a fab weekend J! The quilt turned out great, I'm sure he will love it.

  4. Judith I am sure he will love it. When he see's the back and has time to read all the little messages I bet there is a tear in his eye. Enjoy and I can't wait to see the photos and no you will not bore me.

  5. Have a wonderful weekend my friend - sounds like you daughter has had fun already and you are going to blow your Dad's socks off xxx

  6. Have a brilliant weekend I bet it will all go swimmingly!

  7. Happy birthday weekend to to you all :-) I'm sure that your Dad and everyone else will love the quilt you made! Make sure you take tissues, there are bound to be some tears :-)

  8. Sounds like a fun birthday weekend. Sure your dad will be totally bowled over with his quilt!

  9. Happy Birthday to all of your family members who are celebrating!! Your Civil War quilt is just beautiful, Judith-- I was getting choked up imagining you giving it to him and the response its going to get-- what a wonderful homemade surprise!! Looking forward to seeing photos of your celebration-- will not be bored by them.

  10. What a lovely weekend of celebration for you all. Your quilt is fabulous and everyone will love it. There will definitely be tears! Have a great time. :)

  11. Have fun celebrating and enjoying you family!

  12. Have a wonderful time! I know you dad will love the quilt as will everyone else!

  13. Have a brilliant weekend! Your quilt is going to go down so well, I know it :-)

  14. Have a fabulous weekend! And a rest on Sunday evening, you deserve one!

  15. Don't forget to take a pic of your dad's socks being blown off, that'd be a good one for the album.
    Have a great weekend Judith.x

  16. He's going to love it. I predict tears. Have a fabulous weekend of celebrations!

  17. What a fab few days. Enjoy every bit of it :)

  18. Can't wait to hear all about it and I just know the quilt is going to be a huge hit!

  19. Wow Judith that quilt is amazing! Looking at the pics your dad seemed happy with it too!


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