
Sunday 15 January 2012

Sewing Bits & Bobs

My 2 weekly classes started back this week.  

There was lots of fun and laughter, as well as a little stress and nerves for those learning for the first time!  I love the wonderful buzz of creativity and fresh ideas and inspiration that everyone brings, and most of all the warm and friendly atmosphere that my ladies create, making new folks feel especially welcome.

I don't have as much time to sew over these few days, but yesterday I managed to make a birthday pressie for one of my friends.

After I overdosed on cosmetic purses pre Christmas, I now seem to be having a run on more creative pouches!

These are such fun to make, and are limited only by one's imagination.

Got the idea for this picture from here
Now if you were getting this little pouch for your birthday, what would you like to find inside it - a few fqs? some sewing supplies?  chocolate?

Hope you've had a great weekend so far!


  1. Like I said. Queen of Bags!
    I'd be happy to find a kwik unpick inside because I alwayscseem to lose mine! A posh one -

  2. Oh its pretty! I don't think I'd mind what was inside!

  3. Soooo pretty J! Lucky recipient! I would be happy to find anything inside it. Maybe a nice charm pack?

  4. Pretty pretty! You could just about fill it with anything and it would be lovely! I like the idea of fat quarters and chocolate...good mix! :o)

  5. OMG! Love this. I wouldn't need to find anything in the pouch as the pouch itself would be more than enough to make me smile from ear to ear on my birthday. :-)

  6. wow, love the pouch with the sewing machines Judith! what is that lovely creamy natural fabric you used as the background?

  7. Love all those pouches hope I am your partner for the mouthy swap!!! Fi

  8. what a lovely pouch! I love the applique design. :)
    I think your friend will love anything you put fill in the pouch..but I also like the idea of fat quarters, chocolate..and may be some sewing supplies. :)

  9. £50?

    Oh the Mouthy Stitches ladies are going to be hoping to have you as a partner; the fee for that (if you are interested!) is also £50 to the Mamas!!

  10. Judith,t hat is a wonderful "pressie"-- I love it!! So glad you are enjoying your new quilting classes-- I surely am enjoying my paper-piecing class, and it is wonderful to be amongst a group of quilters! Hmmm-- for the inside, I'm not a huge chocolate fan (except I sometimes get a craving at certain times of the month, if you know what I mean), but FQs or sewing notions are always fun. Maybe a sewing-related stamp and inkpad? Let us know what you decide!

  11. Great pressie - how about a matching needlebook and pincushion!? Is that too greedy? I want you as my swap partner ! I know how well you finish your lovely work - Martha came to church today!

  12. It is wonderful, now I want to make one too! Luckily I am in a pouch swap, if Hadley ever gets around to assigning partners, sheesh. I think it is perfect with a penny in it (for good luck) or a few scraps from your scrap box or maybe a seam ripper or tape measure as those seem to be always gone.

  13. Lovely, lovely pressy, Judith. I guess I would fill it with what it says on the side - sewing bits and bobs. Pins and needles, seam ripper and tape measure etc. I would leave out the chocolate as it Isn't sewing kit! I love my patchwork class as we just laugh and have fun for two hours a week. I always have plenty of homework as I never get finished up in class. It is nice to hear that your classes are full of laughter and fun too. You can't beat that! Di x

  14. Chocolate is always a great surprise to find in a bag! I love the embellishments you did on this one.


  15. what a lovely bag. fill it with all of those things and you definitely won't go wrong!!

  16. What a beautiful gift J! Adorable.

  17. Beautiful gift Judith! Whatever you put inside, I'm sure the lucky recipient will love it!

  18. Gorgeous, Gorgeous, gorgeous! and I love that mini houndstooth fabric and the spool clever thing (I seem to say that a lot to you!)...if your friend is a fabric addict like the rest of us, then I say a FQ and some scraps or buttons, or ribbon...what a lovely pressie x

  19. I love this J - its a wonderful present & I'm sure your friend will be delighted whatever you put inside!

  20. Oh fabulous wee bag! Someone's very lucky!

  21. Can't wait to see who it is for!! Someone is going to be very, very happy. I think some fabric inside would be brilliant.

  22. Ooh, love the stitchy lettering!

  23. What a fabulous present! I'd love to find some spare bobbins in it, I never seem to have enough or some scraps!! Or maybe a mix tape (ok, CD!) of your favourite songs to sew to? Or maybe one of your daughter's little fimo models turned into a zip charm/pull thing (I'm sure there's a word for them but I'm damned if I know what it is!!) Glad your classes have started well!


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