
Monday 16 January 2012

Pins & Needles

Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions on what to put into the Sewing Bits & Bobs pouch I made for my friend.
I decided to go with Nicky's suggestion - a matching pincushion and needlecase.

And here they are!

This is actually my first needlecase!  It's only 3" square, but I love it!

And 'thank you' to Terri for sending me some gorgeous little scraps - they came in v.useful!

Now we have a matching set, ready to be wrapped up for the birthday girl on Saturday!

Happy Monday!


  1. This is the cutest sewing set I've ever seen. Judith, you rock.

  2. I am in agreement with Cindy!!! I really need to learn how to do this. Is this something that can be taught? Teach me please!!!!!!! Be my muse!

  3. These are all lovely, a perfect gift.

  4. Just lovely, I am sure the recipient will be absolutely delighted :)

  5. Gorgeous gift. Your friend will be delighted. That pouch will no doubt soon be put into use for all those little bits and bobs that are easy to lose.

  6. I am in love with your applique sewing machine!

  7. Such an amazing pressie! Lovely job!

  8. oooh, she will love those, great choices

  9. These are lovely, really like the sewing machine.

  10. Oh wow! This set is sooo cute. I am loving things that have stitched writing on them at the moment. And that sewing machine....beautiful!!

  11. So beautiful Judith! I can't stop looking at them! What a gorgeous set. Your friend will love them :)

  12. Friend envy! Green with! Just adorable Judith!

  13. That is just stunning! I love it. I have to admit to 'pinning' it as inspiration I love it so much im going to have a go myself!

  14. Love your sewing bits and bobs.......well done you !! Nicky's Martha Mae is a beautiful bag...........I am very envious of your skill and will endeavour to make something soon with your neatness in mind ......!!!

  15. Ooh this is lovely Judith. How I wish I was the birthday girl on Saturday! :)


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