
Wednesday 19 October 2011

Thank you Bee Blessed Donators!

I'm overwhelmed (yet again!) by the generosity and thoughtfulness of my bloggy friends and followers.

This month's Bee Blessed blocks (D9P) are coming to me from all over the UK and beyond, lovely parcels for me to open.  And I can tell you that I feel blessed in receiving these and sharing them with the ladies who make up the Bee Blessed team.  

Just look at this little lot!

Thank you Terri (Tester) and Helen for the beautiful blocks & fabrics I received from you today.  I've put them with the others I've received so far, and I know there are more to come!  

Thank you all, and I hope I've remembered to thank you all personally (Terri can you email me again, I can't seem to find your email address).

Your support is so much appreciated and valued.  If you are new to my blog and would like more info on Bee Blessed or how to get involved, click here.

The physical Bee will be meeting on Saturday for lots more sewing (& chatting!) so I will have another update at the weekend.

Have a lovely day!

Judith xo


  1. Still finishing mine off - hope end of week not too late to post to you?

  2. Oh no! Saturday? Am I too late? They'll come in the post early next week. Sorry to make extra work for you.

    The blocks you have are super beautiful! Wow they're pretty!

  3. Oh boy, I got something in before deadline! woohoo!

  4. Woohoo! So glad you have so much support. What's on the plan for next month or is that a secret?

  5. I love that block design and will send mine home with my mum at the weekend to send on to you. So great that so many are helping.

  6. Wonderful!! Aren't people nice sometimes!?

  7. Oops haven't started those yet...Am I too late?


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