
Tuesday 18 October 2011

Grey in Kona, not in roots!

Well I've just been down to my lovely sister's hair & beauty salon and done battle with the old grey roots (again!).  

Kona Ash might be a very 'in' look at the moment for us quilters, but not when it comes to the roots of a 40 year old (who still thinks she's 20!).

I was also bringing down the bags that I've made thus far, to sell in the salon.  

They don't look like much in these rubbish photos!
Thank you everyone for encouraging me through this, and the wonderful feedback about my bags.  I really don't like selling my wares, I'm way out of my comfort zone here, but the sales of these bags will help me financially, so I just have to get over myself!

I did manage to get another Modern Maud run up yesterday for the sale today, here she is:

I love the texture of the wool in this one!  V.touchy, feely!

Before I had left the salon, one of the wee cosmetics bags had sold, so that is encouraging!

I'll be down again in a month's time (to do battle with the grey roots again), and will hopefully have some stock to replace those that have sold!

Fingers crossed!


  1. Great to have a sale! That should boost your confidence and I hope the other follow suit once the word gets around!

  2. Oh jude thats fantastic! I'm so glad one sold before you'd even left too :-) I'm sure the rest will go too. Congratulations! x

  3. Oh they do look brilliant - you must keep us all posted on how things go, but off to a flying start x

  4. What a treat it would be to go to the hairdresser and have all that eye candy to look at.
    They all look lovely especially that dotty pouch.
    I'm sure they won't be there long!

  5. They look great! I'm sure they'll sell fast. Funny, I was doing the same thing as you this morning!

  6. That is great news! I'm sure others will go quickly!

  7. Your bags are fantastic! I'm sure thay'll be very popular. I also have a battle with grey :( I'm not lucky enough to have a sister with a salon, but I have a husband who's handy with a bottle of 'Nice n Easy'!

  8. I do hope your bags fly out of the salon! They look great - keep up the good work!

  9. The bags look fantastic in situ! They'll be selling like hot cakes along with the touch ups for the roots for us ladies of a particular age! :)

  10. Love that last bag you made, all tweedy looking. And of course things have started selling already - because they are gorgeous, and one of a kind, and people should love them. But what a great boost to have one actually sell while you were there!! So pleased for you Judith. Plus no roots either. Stellar day!

  11. they all look lovely there Judith, and well done for one selling before you even left!

  12. Fantastic Judith. Congrats in getting out there and selling them. I think they look great in the salon. I wish I could sell my things, I still think I need to parctise more before I could sell something.

  13. Hey these look fantastic, I love the way you have displayed them on the coat stand, I am sure they will be selling quicker then you can make more...

  14. Love the bags and the latest Modern Maud is wonderful - I'm going to pay more attention in the charity shops!!

  15. I just love that you're doing this. Good for you! Your bags look fantastic - I don't know anyone who would walk by without checking them out. Best of luck! xx

  16. I think you have timed things well and I hope they all sell as Christmas pressies.

  17. Good luck with the bag selling Judith!

  18. Love the bag display, I'm sure they will be snapped up :o)

  19. Your bags look great in the salon. I hope you have to restock soon! And it must be grey touch up day because I've just coloured my hair. Didn't get pampered in a salon - just me and a bottle of colour in the bathroom.

  20. Well done you! The bags look great and I am sure that there will be none left on that shelf by the time you return next month. Oh how I identify with the grey root situation - my turn for the dye come Friday! Di x

  21. Your bags look great hanging there. I also fought the roots battle today. I won!!!

  22. The bags look wonderful displayed all together like that!! I esp. like your newest Modern Maud with the wool. I hope they sell well-- I have a feeling they're going to sell faster than the next time you're planning on being at your sister's salon again. Good luck!!

  23. Fantastic on the sale!!! I am sure you will do well. I know what you mean about out of your comfort zone I am totally that way on etsy it is terrifying! Had my first sale the other day a small one but still and have an order for 4 christmas stockings from a local girl. But boy it is hard work!! More the promotion than anything. Your work is beautiful have confidence in it!
    Collette x

  24. Your bags look lovely all hanging on the coat stand. I'm sure they'll sell. I want to sell my craft eventually and the thing that scares me most is the pricing. My friend has asked me to take some of my wares to sell at a meeting she's holding next month so I'll have to face my fear quite soon!
    Teresa x

  25. I just love that you're doing this. Good for you! Your bags look coat stand.


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