
Thursday 6 October 2011

Headless Chicken-itis!

You know what I meant, right?

Always in a rush, so much to do you don't have time to pick your nose! (euuuuh!)

Anyway, the mornings when I'm not teaching is precious sewing time.  I only teach 2 mornings a week, but you can guarantee they're the days the postman arrives with parcels, and instead leaves delightful red cards!

That was yesterday. 2 red cards.

So this morning I had to pick up some fabric, then go to 2 different postal depots to get parcels (one being my daughter's long awaited new mobile phone).  And it wouldn't do for these 3 places to be in close proximity to each other - oh no.

Well I got one of the parcels (see below), drove through the howling wind and rain to the other depot (which was in the back end of beyond), only to be told the delivery guy had it in his van and was delivering it now, while I'm standing in the warehouse!  'NO ONE IS AT HOME' I wanted to scream!  I had specifically rang the depot yesterday and asked them NOT to redeliver it but that I would come pick it up.  

So I hared off in the car, picked up the fabric, broke a few speed limits and got home in time to graciously receive the parcel with a smile on my face and a knife behind my back!  Only joking!  It was a chain-saw!

I did eventually get to my lovely Pfaff today, but first let me show you what was in one of the packages.

Elephants & cupcakes - what could be better!
One of my lovely Flickr friends and fellow Brit Bee member, Terri, made some gorgeous wonky stars for Bee Blessed. Thanks so much Terri for these, they will most certainly be a wonderful addition to a cot quilt top and a blessing to a little one when the quilt is passed on.

Terri also sent me some gorgeous crochet trim from a table cloth, which I am saving for a special project.  Watch this space!

I'm getting ready to bring stock down to my sister's salon next week (check out her fab website), for the start of my handbag sale.  I'm at that place when I think 'why did I ever think this was a good idea'!

Here's another boxy bag I managed to get finished:

And some cosmetics pouches (am hoping to get more of these done!).

Finally, a sneaky peak at a wee something for someone!

I'm off now to make tea and get ready for class tonight.
My friend is coming to stay for the weekend, so I might not be blogging much.

Hope you all have a creative and productive one!


  1. More gorgeous bags!! Love the wonky stars!

  2. I'm in love with those wonky stars!

    Great boxy bag - love the FM flower detail. Gorgeous!

  3. Oh my goodness! The wonky stars are spectacular! And I love your little cosmetic pouches. What a great post filled with eye candy :)

  4. Boo for postmen, Yay for Terri, good luck for the bags and 'ooooh!" for the lucky recipient of the mystery!

  5. where to begin....! The wonky stars are really lovely. And your collection of handbags and cosmetic purses will be a great hit.
    Hope you have a great weekend with your friend and have some chill out time and lots of laughter

  6. I cannot believe they sent parcels to two different depots. What a pain - though you did make me laugh with the knife/chainsaw comment. Love the things you are making and cannot wait to hear how they do in the shop. Have a brilliant weekend with your friend.

  7. So many lovelies in one post! I get really angsty if I have a parcel being delivered - it's why I sort of like the royal mail. At least I know it may come some time soon rather than the wait in from 8am to 8pm and have it not turn up. Salon looks great - oh to be able to get a cut and blow dry for that price. I'd have tidy hair if I could round here! lol Intrigued by that sneak peek!! Have a lovely weekend!

  8. What's not to love in this post! I especially like your cosmetic bags - very cute selection. And do I spy hexagons in that little something for someone? Mmmm very nice indeed - hope it make someone happy. All the best with the sale of the bags at your sis's salon.

  9. Love your latest creations, but I know what you mean about the dispersal of depots, I think they're really taking the proverbial round here!

  10. I know exactly what you mean about those cards, grrr.
    Enjoy your blog free weekend with your pal.

  11. wot hadley said! (know what you mean about the red cards, every time I get one its cos I've been at the sodding post office! still could be worse, could be one of the grey cards that customs send telling you that you'll need to go and pay them to give you what you've already paid for...) grrr.
    Love love love the look of your pink hexie thingy!

  12. I know the headless chicken thing well! All your pictures are gorgeous! I especially love the bags and cosmetic pouches, and the last pictures looks beautiful!

  13. love those little pouches! have a great weekend with your buddy! x

  14. I love all the bags and pouches you've been making recently. I've just been doing a little 'reader' catch-up enjoying all the things you've made. I should be jealous really because I have so little time to make anything myself, but looking at it all keeps me inspired, so I'm not! :-)
    Teresa x

  15. That is a beautiful bag and the small bags are lovely! I have been having days much like that although not with the awful weather, I hope you enjoy a fun weekend!

  16. For a headless chicken you did good! Love the bags and purses and hope they sell well! Great wonky stars - love that block! And is that a scrappy swap item??

  17. Hello, I am new to blogging, and am hunting for interesting blogs to follow - I love the title of your blog, so came along to have a look - and wow, what beautiful things you have made. You have inspired me to have a go at some bags that are slightly more complicated than the totes I have been making this week.
    Like you, I like rescuing fabric, and making things with fabrics that have a previous life. Pop over and see my blog if you get the chance, it's in it's early stages!

  18. P.S is there a tutorial anywhere for these fabulous boxy bags?

  19. I love everything in this post-- the wonky star blocks, your boxy bag and the little zippered pouches and your sneak peak is lovely!! Sorry about all that racing around (esp in awful weather) . Hope you're feeling less like a chicken today.


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